Recent Submissions

Diseño e implementación de un sitio web para la empresa ORCOIN SA. de la ciudad de Guayaquil.
(Ecuador: Latacunga: Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi. (UTC), 2008-06) Román Poveda, Masguel Gregorio; Bautista, Marcelo
Through the Website the user will be able to consult all the services, products, etc., as well as send their concerns and suggestions. ORCOIN S.A. As a computer and electronic consulting company, it focuses its attention to clients on its multiple services that it offers in its offices located in the city of Guayaquil in the Kennedy North citadel, main street of the winged solar 5 Manzana 907. The analysis that was carried out was based on the application of interviews carried out with departmental directors and employees on how to reach the customer. Customer surveys were also carried out to find out their level of knowledge about the Company and its activities. According to the results obtained from the analyzes carried out, it was determined that the limited dissemination of its commercial activities is a necessary reason for the implementation of a Website seeking also to increase its advertising through the Internet and thus make itself known both nationally and internationally, benefiting in this way from cutting-edge technology that will allow it to provide quick and timely information. The creation of a Website is a means that does not require major financial investment."
Implementación de un sistema para el control de riesgos empresariales en GRUSAMSE CÍA. LTDA.
(Ecuador: Latacunga: Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi. (UTC), 2010-03) Proaño Osorio, Edison; Chavez Zapata, Patricio
Currently, software development is one of the most used activities, which allows human beings to accurately simplify tasks that they perform in their daily lives in minimum time. This is how the software development for the company GRUSAMSE cía. Ltda., will help correct decision making at a managerial level, based on real and dynamic statistics. This thesis is made up of three chapters. A first chapter describes the basic concepts and foundations used to carry out the project, a second chapter which contains the interpretation of the results of the survey of employees and workers of the company GRUSAMSE CÍA LTDA, for the intention of requirements. A third chapter, which is the development of the project, is thus the fundamental part of the research through analysis and development. testing, debugging and implementation, there are also the conclusions and recommendations of this work. The company GRUSAMSE CÍA. LTDA. With the completion of this project, it examines the prevention and control of the risks that arise daily.
"Desarrollo de un sistema informático para el seguimiento y control de la producción agrícola/ganadera del centro experimental y de producción Salache (CEYPSA) de la Universidad Tecnica de Cotopaxi".
(Ecuador: Latacunga: Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi. (UTC), 2007-01) Fernández Robles, Mayra Elizabeth; Segovia Medina, Johanna Alejandra; Defaz Calvopiña, Fernando
In this thesis the first step to automate the productive activities of the Experimental Center and Production "Salache" of the Technical University of Cotopaxi is stated. A computer system for the pursuit and control of the agricultural and cattle production could be developed. This investigation is basically a field one since touching the reality lived in CEYPSA this one was the only way in order to discover the origin of its requirements. To make the proposal feasible, the support of surveys and interviews were needed which allowed us to obtain real opportune information. One of the important effects which can be achieved is that a lot of ancient data taken manually would come out from the applications in production so, it would avoid redundancies and reduce the volume of stored data; at the same time, a unique place is reserved from where the operator can accede to the corresponding information by means of a database that will provide organized data which will facilitate the exploration and the selective consultation of the production in CEYPSA. Through the development of this system new or more exact productive requirements can be obtained, since the interaction that this warehouse of data allows the evolved personal define exactly the kind of information required to fulfill their daily activities, being its unique objective to nimble the processes to make more precise and confidable.
Elaboración de un manual de organización y archivo para la radio Latacunga
(Ecuador : Latacunga Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi (UTC), 2010-11) llaquiche Toaquiza, María Olga; Cueva, Martha Cecilia
The present investigation concerns the development of a Manual of Organization and Archives for the Department of Radio Latacunga area whose purpose lies in correcting and improving the organization of the file for the best office development within the work as their main source. For this investigation work has the principal resource, to know needs from the staff responsible for archiving documents of staff in different areas, the data obtained are processed the results obtained became the fundamental basis for making the research proposal. This research has a social relevance by the need to develop a Manual that will be useful not only to people involved in this proposal but it will be a guide for those looking to improve the Organization File the beneficiary of this research: the Director, staff members, internal and external customers who frequently visit the Secretarial Office, who will obtain information on time. This document is an innovative tool that aims to motivate staff to change attitude and aptitude of theoretical knowledge through targeted to continue to organize the archive of documents that help to strengthen the institutional image.
Diseño de un manual de etiqueta y protocolo para las secretarias ejecutivas del Municipio de la ciudad de Latacunga
(Ecuador : Latacunga Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi (UTC), 2008) Achote Caiza, Melba del Rocío; Molina Sánchez, Nancy Rocío; Rengifo Herrera, Janeth Beatriz
The principal objective of the present investigative work refers to the elaboration of an Etiquette and Protocol Manual for the secretaries from distinguished Municipality of Latacunga city, the purpose lies in correcting and improving the organization of social, politics, culturals, acts development, etc, to secretarial area and other people in charge ofthe development of these acts. The realized work has as principal origin, know the needs that the employers have about events organization, twenty one people were investigated because they contribute in the development of these events. The data were tried, analized and their results became the fundamental base for the elaboration of the investigate purpose. This research has a social relevance for the needs of introducing a manual that will serve not only for immersed people in this purpose, it will be a guide to follow for some persons that wish to know more about the topic; it is based principally in good forms of behaviour, cortesy, forms of clothing in the social and labour ambit, it reflects the people cultura degree whisch influence in the internal and external development of the company. This present document is a innovative tool that pretends to motivate to the officials to attitude and aptitude changing through theoric knowledge guided to follow for the several events organization, that will help to strengthem the Institutional good image.