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Tipo de Material: Tesis
Título : Incidence of using orthophonic devices in the teaching-learning process of English as a foreign language to fortify the students’ listening skill into the English interactive laboratory at the academic unit of administrative and humanistic sciences in the technical university of Cotopaxi during the academic cycle march – august 2012.
Autor : Collaguazo Vega, Wilmer Patricio
Director de Tesis: Encalada Trujillo, Edgar Guadia
Fecha de publicación : 2013
Ciudad: Editorial: LATACUNGA / UTC / 2013
Citación : Collaguazo Vega, Wilmer Patricio (2013). Incidence of using orthophonic devices in the teaching-learning process of English as a foreign language to fortify the students’ listening skill into the English interactive laboratory at the academic unit of administrative and humanistic sciences in the technical university of Cotopaxi during the academic cycle march – august 2012. Unidad Académica de Ciencias Administrativas y Humanísticas. UTC. Latacunga. 141 p.
metadata.dc.format.extent: 141 p.
Resumen : Professionals who manage language laboratories in high educational institutes do not have the appropriate knowledge that could help to improve the experience of having classes in these places. The lack of technology into the language teaching – learning process has been a huge trouble into education because it has not permitted its correct development. Language skills are an important component into the students' lives and the methodology applied by their professors has affected the academic result directly. Students need to develop their listening skill through the correct use of didactic resources. The orthophonic devices that are widely used in education by professors and students are very helpful tools for people who want to learn a foreign language at any level of specialization in a non-traditional way. As result, the researcher supports the necessity of updating professors’ knowledge about different technologies into the educative field because they are helpful tools for developing the teaching-learning process in an exceptional way.
Aparece en las colecciones: Tesis - Carrera de Licenciatura en Inglés

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