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Tipo de Material: Tesis
Título : The signwriting as a security norm for using the english laboratory properly, located at technical University of Cotopaxi during the period 2011-2012
Autor : Chango Chasi, Sabina del Carmen
Director de Tesis: Encaclada, Edgar
Descriptores: EDUCATION
Fecha de publicación : 2012
Ciudad: Editorial: LATACUNGA / UTC / 2012
Citación : Chango Chasi, Sabina del Carmen (2012). The sign writing as a security norm for using the english laboratory properly, located at technical University of Cotopaxi during the period 2011-2012. Inglés. UTC. Latacunga. 3 c.
metadata.dc.format.extent: 3 c.
Resumen : The signwriting usually increases the learning ability and the linguistic achievement. Therefore, it is a good student´s teaching tool that increases the human thought.
Aparece en las colecciones: Tesis - Carrera de Licenciatura en Inglés

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