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dc.contributor.advisorGuerrero, Mario-
dc.contributor.authorSaca Plasencia, Nancy Maricela-
dc.identifier.citationSaca Plasencia, N. M. (2016). Proyecto de vinculación familia-escuela. Ecuador: La Maná : Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi; Unidad Académica de Ciencias Administrativas y Humanísticas; Carrera Ciencias de la Educación, Mención Educación Básicaes_ES
dc.descriptionThe integration of parents and family mothers in the educational institution is the base that will mark the future of the student, it´s a responsibility of the family to control the school tasks of his children and teenagers who come to the institution, reason for which it is necessary to strengthen the relations of the educational community, socialization the regulation on the rights and obligations of the representatives with the purpose of acquiring the commitment in the educational community and in the formation academic of the children and girls by means of the participation and collaboration in the school activities helping the teacher in his arduous labor of forming persons critical, reflexive and capable of giving solutions to social problems. One of the difficulties has been the ignorance of legal documents in the educational area on the part of the legal representatives giving, giving like result an unfavorable communication and participation between the family and the school, causing the low academic performance in the students of the seventh year of Basic General Education at Municipal school " Ing. Guillermo Sotomayor Navas", the methods that were in use were the descriptive investigation of type, camp - bibliographical applying the methods deductively - inductively and instruments as surveys you interview. We identify the existing problem in the institution especially un the children and the girls of the seventh year, so the implementation is necessary an internal regulation committing the father and the family mother to the participation and to give to the continuation in the tasks of the school, achieving a significant contribution in the personal and professional development of the student. It will take four hundred eighty-seven students and fifteen teachers as beneficiaries those wh0 will approve y the application of the regulation inside the educational ambit.es_ES
dc.description.abstractLa integración de padres y madres de familia en la institución educativa es la base que marcará el futuro del alumno, es responsabilidad de la familia controlar las tareas escolares de sus hijos y adolescentes que acuden a la institución, razón por la cual Es necesario fortalecer las relaciones de la comunidad educativa, socializar la regulación de los derechos y obligaciones de los representantes con el fin de adquirir el compromiso en la comunidad educativa y en la formación académica de los niños y niñas mediante la participación y colaboración en las actividades escolares ayudando al maestro en su arduo trabajo de formar personas críticas, reflexivas y capaces de dar soluciones a los problemas sociales.es_ES
dc.description.sponsorshipUniversidad Técnica de Cotopaxies_ES
dc.format.extent65 páginases_ES
dc.publisherLa Maná: Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi; Facultad de Ciencia Humanas y de Educación; Carrera de Licenciatura de Educación Básica, Mención Educación Básicaes_ES
dc.titleProyecto de vinculación familia-escuelaes_ES
Aparece en las colecciones: Tesis - Licenciatura en Educación Básica

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