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Tipo de Material: Tesis
Título : Manual of pedagogical strategies for the English career students at technical university of Cotopaxi to guide them in their pre- professional practices in primary and secondary levels during the period 2010- 2011.
Autor : Changoluisa Calapaqui, Ana Elizabeth
Proaño Hidalgo, Bethy Estela
Director de Tesis: Castro, Sonia Jimena
Fecha de publicación : jun-2012
Ciudad: Editorial: LATACUNGA / UTC / 2012
Citación : Changoluisa Calapaqui, Ana Elizabeth. Proaño Hidalgo, Bethy Estela (2012). Manual of pedagogical strategies for the English career students at technical university of Cotopaxi to guide them in their pre- professional practices in primary and secondary levels during the period 2010- 2011. Unidad Académica de Ciencias Administrativas y Humanísticas. UTC. Latacunga. 151 p.
metadata.dc.format.extent: 151 p.
Resumen : About education is an important field that involves all society. To acquire the development of a country, education is fundamental because it facilitates for maintaining the essence of the culture and customs; also it helps people to take good decisions for improving economy and politic.
Aparece en las colecciones: Tesis - Carrera de Licenciatura en Inglés

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