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dc.contributor.advisorGuaypatín, Oscar, Mg.C.-
dc.contributor.authorPulloquinga Lasluisa, Héctor Fabián-
dc.identifier.citationPulloquinga Lasluisa Héctor Fabián ( 2020 ); Desarrollo del razonamiento lógico - matemático en la solución de operaciones básicas de los alumnos del quinto año " B" de la Unidad Educativa Mariscal Antonio José de Sucre en el período lectivo 2019-2020. UTC. Latacunga. 110 p.es_ES
dc.descriptionIn the present investigation the quantitative, approach was applied since it has a positivist paradigm, so its objective was to test the theories found in the place where this research was applied. The investigation of the project was accessible thanks to the existence of bibliographic information that was taken from several Research works, since the diagnosis and its application was carried out in the place under investigation reason why in the problem statement is detailed the need that children have to improve the development of mathematical logical reasoning in the solution of basic operations in the teaching-learning process through a proposal based on a specific objective; It began with the perceptual level because it favored exploring and describing everything all that is needed about the development of mathematical logical reasoning in the teaching-learning process, it was also apprehensive since it allowed us to collate and analyze the results obtained in this research, it was of comprehensive type since it will reveal everything that was discovered in its research, it will not be experimental because it did not transform existing theories, it was descriptive because it was oriented to the students’ progressive differences, the deductive method was applied since it was based on the observation of the problem it is to say the development of mathematical logical reasoning, followed by the problem, in what way does the logical mathematical reasoning affect the teaching-learning process, as deduction the given results of the empirical methods applied to the unit of study were taken into account and finally the proposal was applied as alternative of solution to the development of mathematical logical reasoning. In the present investigation the quantitative, approach was applied since it has a positivist paradigm, so its objective was to test the theories found in the place where this research was applied. The investigation of the project was accessible thanks to the existence of bibliographic information that was taken from several Research works, since the diagnosis and its application was carried out in the place under investigation reason why in the problem statement is detailed the need that children have to improve the development of mathematical logical reasoning in the solution of basic operations in the teaching-learning process through a proposal based on a specific objective; It began with the perceptual level because it favored exploring and describing everything all that is needed about the development of mathematical logical reasoning in the teaching-learning process, it was also apprehensive since it allowed us to collate and analyze the results obtained in this research, it was of comprehensive type since it will reveal everything that was discovered in its research, it will not be experimental because it did not transform existing theories, it was descriptive because it was oriented to the students’ progressive differences, the deductive method was applied since it was based on the observation of the problem it is to say the development of mathematical logical reasoning, followed by the problem, in what way does the logical mathematical reasoning affect the teaching-learning process, as deduction the given results of the empirical methods applied to the unit of study were taken into account and finally the proposal was applied as alternative of solution to the development of mathematical logical reasoning.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEn la presente investigación se aplicó el enfoque cuantitativo, ya que posee un paradigma positivista, por lo que su objetivo fue probar las teorías encontradas en el lugar donde se aplicó esta investigación. La investigación del proyecto fue accesible gracias a la existencia de información bibliográfica que fue tomada de varios trabajos de Investigación, ya que el diagnóstico y su aplicación se realizó en el lugar objeto de investigación razón por lo que en el planteamiento del problema se detalla la necesidad que tienen los niños de mejorar el desarrollo del razonamiento lógico-matemático en la solución de operaciones básicas en el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje a través de una propuesta basada en un objetivo específico; se empezó con el nivel perceptual porque favoreció explorar y describir todo lo que se precisa sobre el desarrollo del razonamiento lógico matemático en el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje, asimismo fue aprehensiva puesto que nos permitió cotejar y analizar los resultados obtenidos en esta investigación, fue de tipo comprensivo ya que revelará todo lo que se descubrió en su investigación; no será de carácter experimental porque no se transformó las teorías existentes, fue descriptiva porque se orientó a las diferencias progresivas de los estudiantes, se aplicó el método deductivo, donde se partió de la observación del problema, es decir el desarrollo del razonamiento lógico matemático, seguido se planteó el problema, ¿De qué manera incide el razonamiento lógico-matemático en el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje? como deducción se tomó en cuenta los resultados dados de los métodos empíricos aplicados a la unidad de estudio y finalmente se aplicó la propuesta como alternativa de solución al desarrollo del razonamiento lógico- matemático.es_ES
dc.format.extent110 páginases_ES
dc.publisherEcuador: Latacunga: Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi; UTC.es_ES
dc.subject.otherEDUCACIÓN BÁSICAes_ES
dc.titleDesarrollo del razonamiento lógico - matemático en la solución de operaciones básicas de los alumnos del quinto año " B" de la Unidad Educativa Mariscal Antonio José de Sucre en el período lectivo 2019-2020.es_ES
Aparece en las colecciones: Tesis - Maestría en Educación Básica

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