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dc.contributor.advisorAndrade Ayala, Andrea Isabel, Ing.-
dc.contributor.authorQuimbita Chasi, Mayra Gabriela-
dc.contributor.authorSoasti Bustillos, Eduardo Fabricio-
dc.identifier.citationQuimbita Chasi Mayra Gabriela, Soasti Bustillos Eduardo Fabricio; Estudio de impactos ambientales de la implementación de un sendero de Downhill en el campus Salache de la Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi. UTC. Latacunga. 159 p.es_ES
dc.descriptionDownhill is an adventure sport that has increased considerably in recent years as with all the impacts derived from it, because the environmental measures are not considered to promote the sustainable use of the resource. Therefore, this research aims to implement a path on the Salache Campus of the Technical University of Cotopaxi, so the effect and the impact generated by the activity were analyzed, identified and evaluated in order to propose environmental measures so that this research can become a reference for organizers, participants and students related to that sport. First of all, the construction of a trail for Downhill in past cycles was evident; they did not have an environmental impact assessment nor did they consider the ICU standards, considering this as an antecedent the path that is located in one of the blades that makes up the mountain chain to the northwest of the campus is redesigned; It has a length of 1500 meters, with slopes greater than 25 °, sectors with plains, natural and artificial obstacles such as slopes, bleachers and the most characteristic of this track ramps; which make it a challenge for its competitors, all through GPS and ARCGIS software. Direct observation was used, supported by the method of calculation of load capacity proposed by Cifuentes, where certain values and criteria of correction factors were modified, determining that 38 participants is the maximum number in a competition; Furthermore, the environmental impact assessment was applied, which initially identified the impacts to Downhill is an adventure sport that has increased considerably in recent years as with all the impacts derived from it, because the environmental measures are not considered to promote the sustainable use of the resource. Therefore, this research aims to implement a path on the Salache Campus of the Technical University of Cotopaxi, so the effect and the impact generated by the activity were analyzed, identified and evaluated in order to propose environmental measures so that this research can become a reference for organizers, participants and students related to that sport. First of all, the construction of a trail for Downhill in past cycles was evident; they did not have an environmental impact assessment nor did they consider the ICU standards, considering this as an antecedent the path that is located in one of the blades that makes up the mountain chain to the northwest of the campus is redesigned; It has a length of 1500 meters, with slopes greater than 25 °, sectors with plains, natural and artificial obstacles such as slopes, bleachers and the most characteristic of this track ramps; which make it a challenge for its competitors, all through GPS and ARCGIS software. Direct observation was used, supported by the method of calculation of load capacity proposed by Cifuentes, where certain values and criteria of correction factors were modified, determining that 38 participants is the maximum number in a competition; Furthermore, the environmental impact assessment was applied, which initially identified the impacts to classify them into criteria and classes, which through the application of the Leopold matrix were analyzed and evaluated giving them a rating; by means of the arithmetic mean and standard deviation the variation ranges were obtained obtaining a total of 43 impacts, being 21 means, 20 high and 2 low, of these 95% of the impacts are involved with erosion, alteration of the land cover, destruction of the vegetation cover, actions on the landscape. On this basis, environmental measures has been seen as a management plan according to the impacts to be mitigated, seeing plant repopulation through the selection of plants that adapt to the ecosystem as one of the important measures, in addition to this, the implementation of ecological garbage dumps and interpretive signage was suggested that is aimed at activities such as Downhill and Trekking; the latter arises because during field trips people were observed practicing said activity; Environmental Impact Assessment is important because it allows establishing environmental measures that promote sustainability; It is recommended that the valid ones can continue to be carried out in the future for a longer time in different spaces in the same study area.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEl Downhill es un deporte de aventura que en los últimos años se ha incrementado considerablemente al igual que los impactos derivados de la misma porque no consideran medidas ambientales que promuevan el uso sostenible del recurso. Por ello, la presente investigación pretende implementar un sendero en el Campus Salache de la Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi, por lo que se analizó el efecto que genera la actividad, identificando y evaluando los impactos derivados de la misma para poder plantear medidas ambientales con el fin que la investigación pueda convertirse en un referente para los organizadores, participantes y estudiantes afines a dicho deporte. En primer lugar se evidenció la construcción de un sendero para Downhill en ciclos pasados; mismos que no contaba con una evaluación de impacto ambiental ni consideraba las normas de la UCI, considerando esto como un antecedente se rediseño el sendero que se encuentra ubicado en una de las cuchillas que compone a la cadena montañosa al Noroeste del campus; tiene una longitud de 1500 metros, con pendientes mayores a 25°, sectores con planicies, obstáculos naturales y artificiales como taludes, gradas peraltes y los más característicos de esta pista las rampas; que lo convierten en un reto para sus competidores, todo ello a través del GPS y el software ARCGIS. Se utilizó la observación directa, apoyada en el método de cálculo de capacidad de carga propuesta por Cifuentes, donde se modificaron ciertos valores y criterios de los factores de corrección, determinando que 38 participantes es el número máximo en una competencia; además se aplicó la evaluación de impacto ambiental, que inicialmente se identificaron los impactos para clasificarlos en criterios y clases, que mediante la aplicación de la matriz de Leopold fueron analizados y evaluados otorgándoles una calificación; mediante la media aritmética y desviación estándar se obtuvo los rangos de variación obteniendo un total de 43 impactos, siendo 21 medios, 20 altos y 2 bajos, de estos el 95% de los impactos están involucrados con la erosión, alteración de la cubertura terrestre, destrucción de la cubierta vegetal, actuaciones sobre el paisaje. En función de ello se ha visto la necesidad de plantear las medidas ambientales a manera de un plan de mitigación de acuerdo a los impactos que se requiere disminuir, considerando la repoblación vegetal a través de la selección de plantas que se adapten al ecosistema como una de las medidas importantes, en complemento a ello se sugirió la implementación de basureros ecológicos y señalética interpretativa que este dirigida para actividades como Downhill y Trekking; esta última se plantea debido a que durante las salidas de campo se observaron personas practicando dicha actividad; es importante la Evaluación de impactos ambientales debido a que permite establecer medidas ambientales que promuevan la sostenibilidad; se recomienda que la las validas puedan seguir realizándose a futuro por mayor tiempo en diferentes espacios en la misma área de estudioes_ES
dc.format.extent159 páginases_ES
dc.publisherEcuador, Latacunga: Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi (UTC)es_ES
dc.titleEstudio de impactos ambientales de la implementación de un sendero de Downhill en el campus Salache de la Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxies_ES
Aparece en las colecciones: Tesis - Ingeniería en Ecoturismo

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