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Resultados 1-10 de 42.
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Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
mar-2023“Peer teaching program using ecrif and pdp frameworks to improve speaking and listening skills in the first level of the pedagogic English major at the technical University of Cotopaxi” .Abata Checa, Mercedes; Dávalos Goméz, Helen Mabel
feb-2023“Virtual or face-to-face classes: perceptions of English teachers from public educational institutions in the post-pandemic era”Romero Palacios, Amparo de Jesús; Mena Alvarez, Carlos Efraín; Terán Sotelo, Francisco Sebastián
feb-2023“Strategies to teach the English language at the preschool level in a context of a public education”Abata Checa, Fanny Mercedes; Cabrera Chicaiza, Johanna Elizabeth; Rios Coro, Karen Estefany
feb-2023“Efl teaching-learning process of a student with autism spectrum disorder”Venegas Álvarez, Gina Silvana; Pillajo Mejia, Damaris Slendy; Taco Guamani, Kleber Fabian
feb-2023Total physical response method (tpr) to teach vocabulary in 4th -grade students in two rural public schoolsMena Vargas, Nelly Patricia; Pallo Ayala, Emily Rebeca; Rosero Herrera, Nataly Mishelle
feb-2023Teachers’ perceptions on the use of whatsapp groups during virtual classes to teach English as a foreign language in a public school from Latacunga.Abata Checa, Fanny Mercedes; Pullupaxi Tamayo, Febe Paola; Oñate Brito, Daniel Alejandro
feb-2023Students’ attitude in learning English as a foreign language.Gonzalez Ortiz, Olga Lorena; Herrera Tapia, Lorena Gabriela; Chiliquinga Oña, Eddy Javier
feb-2023“Morphosyntactic analysis: interference of mother tongue in efl language classrooms”Tovar Viera, Rodrigo Vicente; Chanaluisa Taipe, Silvia Lizbeth; Pinta Claudio, Lesly Johana
feb-2023“Pre-service English teachers’ experience in pre-professional practices”Chiluisa Chiluisa, Marcia Janeth; Quintana Guamushig, Lizeth Stefania; Carrera Rivera, Deysi Paola
feb-2023Intellectual disability in the English teaching and learning processCando Guanoluisa, Fabiola Soledad; Guanín Chasi, Lissette Estefanía; Martínez Mallitasig, Cintya Nataly