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Análisis de la metodología utilizada por los docentes de sexto año de educación básica en el área de ciencias naturales de las escuelas: José Ángel Palacio no. 1, Miguel Riofrío no. 1, Eliseo Alvarez, Lauro Damerval ayora no. 1 y Matilde Hidalgo de Procel no. 1, de la ciudad de Loja y su incidencia en el desarrollo de las principales destrezas contempladas en la educación básica. año lectivo 1999-2000.
(Ecuador: Latacunga: Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi (UTC)., 2000-08) Acaro Rueda, Blanca Celestina; Rodríguez Loján, Blanca Dora; Pardo Toledo, Nelvia Rogelia
This thesis contains an investigative study of the methodological application in the teaching-learning of natural sciences in the sixth year of basic education in public schools in the city of Loja. Bibliographic consultation, observation and the application of surveys and a natural sciences test were applied as research techniques. The instruments were applied to a representative sample of 47 teachers and 111 students. The fundamental objective that has been achieved is to analyze the methods that teachers apply and propose an objective treatment of this area of study. Two hypotheses are proposed and tested, which demonstrate that there is actually a significant statistical relationship between the methods used by teachers in the teaching-learning of natural sciences and the quality of the skills that students develop and that natural science teachers are using an appropriate methodology to teach natural sciences at that educational level.
"La interculturalidad y los valores en relación con las fiestas por conmemoraciones cívicas de la cabecera cantonal de Saraguro en el año 2002"
(Ecuador: Latacunga: Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi (UTC)., 2004-08) Abrigo Montaño, Jaime Vicente; Quezada Placencia, Rita; Maldonado Maldonado, Beatriz De Jesús; Veintimilla Therap, Julio Constante
The research group made up of Jaime Vicente Abrigo Montaño, Rita Quezada Placencia and Beatriz de Jesús Maldonado Maldonado, with the idea of ​​opting for the Bachelor's Degree in Educational Sciences, Basic Education Specialty, after carrying out some diagnoses with the members of the Saraguros Ethnicity, we propose the following Research Topic "INTERCULTURALITY AND VALUES IN RELATION TO THE FESTIVITIES FOR CIVIC COMMEMORATIONS OF THE CANTONAL HEADQUARTERS OF SARAGURO IN THE YEAR 2002", the objectives that we set as a task for the development of this activity are related, in the first instance, to investigating Interculturality and the values ​​in relation to the civic festivals of the Saraguros community, this, in general terms, then and as an academic commitment we assumed the following tasks, which were fulfilled as is: Characterize the knowledge about Interculturality and the values ​​that the inhabitants of the city of Saraguro have in relation to civic festivals. Relate this knowledge to customs, habits, traditions, as well as national and local festivals, to later design a The research team of each of the constant reagents in the survey addressed to the "key" informants after which we accepted the proposed hypothesis to finally design the conclusions and recommendations of the proposal that appears in the third chapter of this document.
La información de la biblioteca de la universidad de Pinar del Río con el uso de una aplicación distribuida.
(Ecuador: Latacunga: Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi. (UTC), 2008-05) Chisaguano Tipán, Verónica Elizabeth; Gallo Martínez, Betty Jimena; Serrano Gómez, Alberto
The paper is presented conceived developing an application that manages information related to the different processes of the Library of the University of Pinar del Rio able to satisfy, as quickly and effectively as possible, the needs of specialists and end-users of information services. It formed a development team that completed, following the workflow of the Unified Process, on expectations that the system had users caught using different techniques and be able to contextualize the situation of the university before the applications of new technologies in libraries, which allows; facilitate the management of these processes in their daily tasks, besides providing a solution close to what the customer looking for. By the results achieved in developing the application towards the achievement of an automated management processes Library allowing more time for analysis of decisions to make. The paper consists of three chapters spread across the board in describing the particular business and its processes; analysis and selection of methodology and software to use and finally describes the proposed solution. It issued final considerations that are taxed to the development of the Library and incorporated annexes.
Propuesta para la recuperación de vertientes de agua, alteradas por acciones antropogénicas, en la comunidad de San Ignacio, parroquia Toacaso, cantón Latacunga, provincia de Cotopaxi.
(Ecuador: Latacunga: Universidad Técnica de Cotoaxi (UTC), 2008-11-04) Iza Salazar Segundo Leonidas; Chuquitarco Tipán Hugo Patricio; Daza Guerra Oscar René
Water, one of the main vital resources for human beings, which is currently a cause of concern for the world, the country, the province and the region, is why different governmental and non-governmental institutions are implementing conservation programs and protection of this important resource The springs and springs are highly vulnerable to natural, anthropogenic and technological phenomena, which constantly threaten this resource, which once altered, can hardly be recovered with its own and natural characteristics. The present research work provides, alternatively, the proposal of activities for the conservation, protection and recovery of water springs, caused by all types of anthropogenic actions, deteriorated within certain territorial units that correspond to the large flows of the paramo ecosystem. The proposal approaches the reality of the community investigated, being able to determine the type of activities carried out by the population in relation to the production model and, as a relevant topic, the identification and quantification of sites degraded by them. For this reason, emphasis is certainly placed on the recovery, protection, and conservation of the riverbanks of the basins and micro-basins that the community has with special treatment.
Cultura organizacional y desempeño en las mecánicas de la ciudad de Latacunga
(Ecuador: Latacunga: Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi, 2024-10-15) Proaño Osorio Alexis Nicolay; Martínez Ortiz Fabian Xavier
This study addresses the relationship between organizational culture and performance in mechanical workshops in the city of Latacunga, Ecuador. The central problem lies in the lack of understanding about how different aspects of organizational culture influence business performance in the context of mechanical workshops, a crucial sector for the local economy. The main objective of the research is to analyze and quantify the impact of organizational culture, broken down into dimensions: cooperative, cultural coherence and effectiveness, on the performance of mechanical workshops. To address this objective, the PLS-SEM (Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling) methodology was used. Information was collected through structured surveys from workshop owners and employees, and various variables related to organizational culture and performance were analyzed. The results of the PLS-SEM analysis revealed that cultural effectiveness is the dimension that has the greatest positive impact on workshop performance, followed by cultural coherence and cooperative culture. The coefficients obtained were validated using a bootstrap procedure, which confirmed their robustness and statistical significance. Cultural effectiveness showed a coefficient of 0.539, indicating a strong and positive relationship with performance, while cultural coherence and cooperative culture presented coefficients of 0.227 and 0.220, respectively. In conclusion, the findings underline the importance of strengthening organizational culture as a key strategy to improve the performance of mechanical workshops in Latacunga.