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“Plan de negocios para la creación de nuevos productos de la empresa RAMISNACKS”
(Ecuador: Latacunga: Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi: (UTC), 2024-08) Casa Tipanluisa, Alexandra Maribel; Chiliquinga Lema, Morelia Anabel; Martínez Freire, Maira Natalia
This degree work was developed in order to determine how feasible it is to implement a business plan for the creation of new products of mixed snacks (chifles and potatoes) with lemon, jalapeño and onion flavors of the enterprise “RAMISNACKS”, which is essential to guide entrepreneurs on all financial and administrative aspects involved in the creation of a company; This company will be created in the canton Latacunga parish Guaytacama neighborhood La Libertad, based on the tastes and different preferences for snacks with a touch of extra flavor. The methodology used for the market research, was with a quantitative approach so the survey technique was used and as an instrument a questionnaire consisting of 12 questions, which considered a population of 60,676 people aged 15 to 44 years, obtaining a sample of 382, to collect information surveys were applied in both urban parishes Latacunga and rural Toacaso, Tanicuchi, and Pastocalle; thus the required size of the sample was obtained. The results obtained determined the feasibility of implementing the project starting with an initial investment of $37,664.92 dollars, a Net Present Value of $16,849.73 dollars was obtained, an Internal Rate of Return of 22%, and the recovery period of the investment is in 2 years 8 months and 13 days, so a cost benefit of $1.45 dollars is obtained. At the end of this research and through the analysis carried out, we can consider that the business plan is feasible according to the projections applied, so we can give the green light for its execution.
El endomarketing y el compromiso organizacional en el GAD Municipal Intercultural del cantón Pujilí.
(Ecuador: Latacunga: Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi (UTC), 2024-08) Chiluisa Caisa, Mariela Liseth; Yautibug Ñacato, Jessica Denisse; Romero Poveda, Angelita Elizabeth
The main objective of this research was to propose Endomarketing strategies to improve organizational commitment at the GAD Municipal Intercultural de Pujilí. For this, a methodology with a quantitative approach was used, with a non-experimental design and a descriptive cross-sectional method, to diagnose the current state of Endomarketing practices in the organization and to examine the organizational commitment of 71 employees. The results showed that 30.99% of the employees perceive a low level of Endomarketing, 35.21% a medium level, and 33.80% a high level. As for organizational commitment, 12.68% of the employees feel highly committed, 47.89% show a medium level, and 39.44% a high level. Therefore, six Endomarketing strategies have been proposed. Those are benefits and recognition programs, training and professional growth programs, onboarding, support and wellness programs, a monthly newsletter, and periodic team meetings. Each of these strategies shares the same purpose: to improve the organizational commitment of employees. These strategies aim to enhance employees' organizational commitment, strengthen their sense of belonging and loyalty, and contribute to better organizational performance and a positive and motivating work environment.
Liderazgo transformacional y gestión administrativa en el GAD parroquial de Zumbahua.
(Ecuador: Latacunga: Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi (UTC), 2024-08) Chachalo Iza, Katty Dayana; Pastuña Cuchiparte, Juan Moisés; Vizcaino Cárdenas, Gloria Susana
The research project titled "Transformational Leadership and Administrative Management in the Zumbahua Government Parish " focused on strategies to improve its administration through Transformational Leadership. This study aimed to conceptualize established variables, with their respective dimensions, based on 7S Management Model, Process Management Model, and Results Management Model, evaluating the current level of leadership in parish Zumbahua GAD. A quantitative, descriptive, and correlational approach were used for this research, with a non-experimental cross-sectional design. Six public entities from the Decentralized Autonomous Government of the Pujilí canton participated, with the parish Zumbahua GAD being involved in the project research, representing a sample from 20 public employees. The study revealed the most of the leaders are young, single, indigenous, and university graduates. The constructs corresponding to the first variable were Idealized Influence, Intellectual Stimulation, and Individualized Consideration, identified as weaknesses. A positive correlation of 0.828 was found between two studied variables, suggesting that leaders with transformational skills can significantly improve administrative efficiency and effectiveness. Among the proposed strategies to enhance Administrative Management are activities related to Transformational Leadership that will be implemented in the Zumbahua GAD.
La grafología y la selección de personal en empresas florícolas de la provincia de Cotopaxi.
(Ecuador: Latacunga: Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi (UTC), 2024-08) Caisa Rivera, Mónica Patricia; Chasi Tapia, Stefany Daniela; Ortiz Mora, Irma Edith
The central question of this research was: What is the interest in the use of graphology for recruitment in the floricultural enterprises of Cotopaxi? With the overall objective of identifying the level of interest in the use of graphology for personnel selection in the floricultural production of the province of Cotopaxi, a quantitative approach methodology was used, with a non-experimental and transversal design. The population consisted of 40 floricultural enterprises in Cotopaxi. The questionnaire he used had a likert scale of 1 to 5, and yielded an alpha of Cronbach of 0.862, demonstrating high reliability. The results indicated that 60% of respondents had a high interest in using graphology, 22.5% an average interest, and 17.5% a low interest. In addition, a guide for the implementation of graphology was developed, which considered aspects such as benefits, limitations, requirements, software, tools, evaluation and continuous improvement; furthermore, an implementation process was proposed that includes the following steps: Needs assessment, development and integration of procedures, implementation of tools, evaluation methods, interpretation of results. In conclusion, a high level of interest was found in the use of graphology as an additional tool for personnel selection.
Onboarding y la experiencia del colaborador en el Gad municipal del cantón Latacunga.
(Ecuador: Latacunga: Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi (UTC), 2024-08) Barbosa Zavala, María José; Urcuango Gualotuña, Kely Jazmín; Tovar Molina, Evelyn Alexandra
The research entitled “Onboarding and the experience of the collaborator in the GAD Municipal del Cantón Latacunga” addresses the relationship between the onboarding process and the experience of the collaborator in the administrative area. The research question is the following: How is onboarding related to the experience of the collaborators in the administrative area of the GAD Municipal del Cantón Latacunga? Onboarding is defined as the process of integration and orientation of new employees to the organization, ranging from the phase prior to their incorporation to follow-up and mentoring. The employee experience refers to the employee's perception and satisfaction with their work environment, including physical, technological and cultural aspects. The methodology used a quantitative approach and a non-experimental crosssectional correlational design, with a population of 531 employees from 26 directorates, from which a sample of 193 administrative staff was statistically taken to collect the data. The questionnaires were validated on a Likert scale (1-5). The results of Spearman's correlation analysis revealed that it is -0.107004, with a significance value of 0.138567, which means that a null hypothesis is not rejected as there is no significant correlation between onboarding and employee experience, however the pre-onboarding and cultural dimensions show a positive correlation with a coefficient -0. 204 and a significance value of 0.004 and the onboarding and cultural dimensions show a positive correlation with a coefficient of -0.146 and a significance value of 0.043. An onboarding process was developed according to the needs of the administrative area of the GAD Municipal del Cantón Latacunga, to improve employee satisfaction and adaptation. In conclusion, an effective onboarding process, which includes previous preparation, initial training, mentoring and continuous follow-up, is positively related to a better employee experience.