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“Evaluación de la adaptación de dos variedades de habas: huagra haba (vicia faba l.) y haba machete (vicia faba l.) con la aplicación de tres dosis trichoderma con la finalidad de mejorar el suelo erosionado en el campus Salache”.
(Ecuador : Latacunga : Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi (UTC), 2024-08) Caiza Caiza, Luis Orlando; Troya Sarzosa, Jorge Fabian
This research was carried out on terrace number 6 of the Salache Campus at the Technical University of Cotopaxi, part of the soil recovery project, located in the Latacunga canton. The purpose was to evaluate the adaptation of two bean varieties with the application of doses of Trichoderma in order to improve the eroded soil. Was used an experimental design of complete random blocks (DBCA) with factorial arrangement AxB, with 8 treatments; T1 (Huagra + 0cc), T2 (Huagra + 1cc), T3 (Huagra + 2cc), T4 (Huagra + 3cc), T5 (Machete + 0cc), T6 (Machete + 1cc), T7 (Machete +4) and T8 (Machete + 3cc) and four repetitions. The variables evaluated were: percentage of emergence, plant height, leaf length, number of branches, flowers & pods, weight in pod & grain and yield. The results obtained showed that the T4 and T8 treatments, the combination of the variable haba Huagra (Vicia faba L.) and Haba Machete (Vicia faba L.) with 3 cc of Trichoderma spp obtained the best average in the variables of germination percentage of 100%, plant height at days 135 was with the application of 3 cc of Trichoderma spp/L was obtained the best height of 76.65cm. In the leaf length variable, the best averages were obtained with T8, which reached the best leaf length of 6.31 cm on day 60. The highest number of branches was obtained with T2. In the variable number of pods, T4 treatment was the best with an average of 6.3 pods per plant. The T8 presented the largest number of flower-plants. The weight per pod and grain was highest for T8, with 4.35 kg per experimental unit, and yield.
“Efecto de extractos vegetales como agente de control de pulgón (myzus persicae) y mosca blanca (trialeurodes vaporariorum) en condiciones de laboratorio”
(Ecuador : Latacunga : Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi (UTC), 2024-08) Padilla Lanchimba, Tamara Alexandra; Chasi Vizuete, Wiman Paolo
The aphid and whitefly are considered to be pests of economic importance because of the direct and indirect damage they can cause to crops, affecting productivity and profitability where these pests are present. The present research was carried out in the laboratory of the CAREN faculty of the Technical University of Cotopaxi, campus Salache, with the purpose of evaluating the effect of plant extracts as an agent for controlling aphid (Myzus persicae) and whitefly (Trialeurodes vaporariorum) at two concentrations of 25% and 50%, including control 0%, where six treatments were established for (Myzus persicae) and six treatments for (Trialeurodes vaporariorum), two experiments were carried out in a full-scale (DBCA) design with four repetitions and a factorial arrangement of (A*B), in each treatment the individuals of each species under study were released and the plant extract of (Phytolacca bogotensis K.) and (Ambrosia arborescens). Mortality data were taken every 30 minutes after the application of plant extracts, where the count and extraction of dead individuals was performed as an indicator of the percentage of mortality. The results obtained determined that the extracts of (Phytolacca bogotensis K.) and (Ambrosia arborescens) control aphid (Myzus persicae) and whitefly (Trialeurodes vaporariorum), with an average of 5.12% of the percentage of mortality of the aphid and 5.085% white fly mortality percentage by (Phytolacca bogotensis K.), followed by the extract of (Ambrosia arborescens) with a mortality rate of 4.53% and 5.01% for aphid and whitefly respectively. The best concentration for the application of extracts was 50% with an average mortality rate of 8.34% for aphid, and 8.39% mortality rate in whiteflies. For the interaction between plant extracts and concentrations, (Phytolacca bogotensis K.), at a concentration of 50% obtained the best mortality rate of 8.84% for aphid and 9.02% mortality rate for whitefly.
“Evaluación agronómica de alfalfa (medicago sativa), achira (canna indica), y sigse (cortasderia nitida) para mejoramiento de suelos de la junta de riego Tiliche San José del cantón Latacunga provincia de Cotopaxi 2024”
(Ecuador : Latacunga : Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi (UTC), 2024-08) Chicaiza Guanoquiza, Edison Stalin; Chuquimarca Vasco, Tania Lizeth; Ilbay Yupa Mercy Lucila
Arsenic contamination of irrigation water affects the health of agricultural soils. In this research, alfalfa (Medicago sativa), achira (Canna indica), and sigse (Cortasderia nitida) were evaluated agronomically for soil improvement in the Tiliche San José irrigation board in the canton of Latacunga, Cotopaxi province 2024. The following study is to evaluate soil fertility and arsenic concentration in three species of alfalfa, achira and sigse as phytoremediation, the process of the study is based on a systematic soil sampling using a zigzag design to ensure a representative coverage of an area of 64m2. A completely randomized experimental design with three species and three replicates was implemented to evaluate the growth and arsenic uptake capacity of the species. In addition, plant parts (root, stem and leaves) were sampled to evaluate the efficacy of the species in phytoremediation of contaminated soils. Soil analysis revealed good conditions in high terms P 69.0 ppm, K 0.7 meq/100g, Ca 10.3 meq/100g and Mg 3.4 meq/100g, in medium terms Cu 4.0 ppm and in low terms total N 0.32%, Mn 3.0 ppm, M.O. 3.0%. The soil pH 7.6 is slightly alkaline. The arsenic concentration in each of the treatments increased significantly from April to July in T1 0.88 mg As/kg, T2 0.98 mg As/kg and T3 0.76 mg As/kg. Significant differences in plant growth indicated that arsenic concentration had a differential impact on the development of each species, with alfalfa showing the greatest growth. In the analysis of VARIANCE, no significant differences were found between treatments, i.e. all species have a similar capacity to adapt in this initial period. Alfalfa (Medicago sativa) showed remarkable growth, reaching heights of up to 90 cm under arsenic concentration conditions. It proved to be the species with the highest phytoremediation capacity, accumulating three times more in the aerial part than in the root. The research concludes that alfalfa is the most effective species in the phytoremediation of As-contaminated soils, showing a remarkable capacity for adaptation and absorption to improve soil quality in the community of Tiliche San José.
“Evaluación de enraizantes en esquejes de dos variedades de papa Súperchola (Solanum tuberosum), Iniap-Puca shungo (Solanum andígenum) en la Estación Experimental Santa Catalina INIAP-2024”.
(Ecuador : Latacunga : Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi (UTC), 2024-08) Toapanta Dias, Dorys Maribel; Yauli Chicaiza, Guido Euclides
Potatoes are a very important crop for humanity, since of its production volumen ranked fourth in global, The tuber is threatened by phytosanitary issues, and the lack of knowledge of farmers multiplication systems using cuttings are not practiced. This research evaluated rooting in cuttings of two potato varieties: Súperchola (Solanum tuberosum) Iniap -Puca Shungo (Solanum andígenum) at the Santa Catalina Experimental Station INIAP located in the Pichincha province, Mejía canton, Cutuglagua parish. Using a completely random block design (CRBD) with a factorial arrangement AxB, where factor A represents the potato varieties (Súperchola and Iniap-Puca Shungo) and factor B represents the rooting (Trichoderma harzianum, Bacillus subtilis, coffee in based ‘Minerva’, and as witness the Hormonagro1), so the research includes eight treatments with three replications, giving us in total 24 experimental units. The variables evaluated were percentage of rooting (%), height of shoots (cm), number of roots, root length (cm) and root weight (gr) in which was carried out a variance analysis and test Tukey of 5%. Based on the result nterpretation, it was identified that statistically all treatments had the same percentage of rooting, but in values the treatment V2E2 (INIAP-Puca Shungo + Bacillus subtilis) showed the best rooting (92.18%); the best treatments for shoot length were V2E2 (INIAP-Puca Shungo + Bacillus subtilis) with an average of (4.26 cm) and V1E2 (Súperchola + Bacillus subtilis) with an average of (3.93 cm). In the variables related to the root system, the treatment V2E2 (INIAP-Puca shungo + Bacillus subtilis) with the number of roots (9.89); in the length of roots with an average of (9.23 cm) and however in the weight of roots the treatment V2E3 (INIAP-Puca shungo + coffee base in "Minerva") with (0,36gr), rooting agents will help to promote plant development both at the root and vegetative level. In addition, the benefit/cost analysis of the project was carried out with a value of $1.39, since for each dollar invested there was a profit of 0.39 cents. Where it is stated that the application of rooting agents on cuttings from mother plants helps to obtain potato seedlings.
Evaluación de la eficiencia de tres dosificaciones de biol enriquecido en el frutal claudia (prunus doméstica) establecido como cerca viva, CEASA- UTC, provincia de Cotopaxi 2024”
(Ecuador : Latacunga : Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi (UTC), 2024-08) Bastidas Freire, Santiago David; Jácome Mogro, Emerson Javier
The Claudia plum (Prunus domestica) is located in the highlands as an economically important crop, however, the high production costs have led to its progressive abandonment. The present research was carried out at the CEASA-UTC experimental center, which aimed to: Evaluate the efficiency of three dosages of enriched biol in DRENCH mode, using a T0 control without application of it, The first treatment T1 with a 5% doseage, followed by two T2 with a 10% doseage, consequently followed by three T3 with a 15% doseage. These were arranged using a completely random block design (DBCA) with four (4) treatments, four (4) repetitions, where the variables to be evaluated were: increase of base height of the graft at the apex, increase in graft diameter and incidence of phytosanitary problems, the results were processed in the Infostat software, where no statistical significance (p-value<0.05) was found in the increase in plant diameter and height in the growth stage. From the data obtained, it was observed that for the increase in base height of the graft at the apex, T0 (0%) showed a value of 7,16 cm, followed by treatment T1 with a value of 6.55 cm, then T2 with a value of 7.39 cm and finally T3 with a value of 7,44 cm. Giving the treatment T3 (15%) the best for the increase in height with a range of 0.9 cm difference to the lower height that was treatment T1 (50%). As for the increase in the diameter of the graft, the best response was T1 (5%) with 5.8 mm, followed by T0 (0%) with 5.79 mm, following this treatment T3 (15%) with 5.72 mm ,finally it was observed that the treatment T2 (10%) with 5.67 mm diameter. For the incidence of phytosanitary problems, the best treatment was T3, which showed an incidence rate of 30% and 20% in Criabado (Wilsonomyces carpophylus (Lév.)) and spider or red mite (Panonychus Ulmi Koch) respectively.