Titulación - Ingeniería en Industrial
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- ItemContribución a la implementación del control estadístico de proceso en la fabricación del medicamento difenhidramina en la empresa Laboratorio Farmaceutico Medillip, Bayamo, Cuba(Ecuador: Latacunga: Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi: (UTC), 2012-04-23) Sanchéz Velasco, Luis Alberto; Otero Fernández, MarioThe research was conducted in the Pharmaceutical Laboratory Company Medillip,Bayamo, Cuba. With the aim of contributing to the implementation of statistical process control. We started with a preliminary study on the production line of the drug diphenhydramine, with data from a production batch, corresponding to 24 hours. Characterization was performed stratified by the same work shift of 8 hours and conducting sampling every two hours. This process resulted in identifying the presence of production units that do not meet specifications. This also found no significant difference between shifts and time of sampling. Then we applied the control charts for the mean and the range, confirming previous approaches. From the control charts a study of process capability which showed that the Cp index reached a value of 0.57 (value below the reference value, 0.67), hence it is considered that the process is not suitable and require modifications. The Cpk index value 0.56, lower than 1.00, evidence that some of the specifications (388 996.81 ppm) do not meet specifications, representing a cost of non-compliance of the order of 221 728.18 Cuban pesos for each batch of one million units. Obviously cost is high and should be analyzed with respect to the monthly production and sales of the product so it can be analyzed more objectively. These results suggest the need for a study to identify the causes responsible for the deviation of the process, take measures for their elimination (decrease) with the consequent effect on costs of nonconformity.
- ItemDiseño de un sistema de seguridad y salud ocupacional aplicando las normas IRAM 3800 en la empresa La Serendipia(Ecuador: Latacunga: Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi: (UTC), 2010-08-04) Ulloa Arroba, Jarol Orlando; Villamarín Salgado, Cristian Fernando; Sírtori, Norberto RubénIn this paper analyzes the current status of the Timber Industry in the area of Fontana in the business of opening the Serendipity is looking primarily to study the development of the activity of wood in the locality, the study includes detailed information such the study area. Fontana, between the following limits: Fontana North Central, Southern Resistance, East Dam Chaco drinking water, west of Avenue Alvear and being rural parish of the city of Resistencia, contributes to 5% of production timber of the Province of Chaco, Argentina although this percentage is not significant, its contribution contributes financially to the study area which covers 307 km2. The manufacturing industry openings in the sector has suffered the same problems presented at the national level, such as a ban on logging in spite of working with alternative timber originating in the study area, the high cost of export and transport of other provinces all these factors and many more have brought about the decline of the productive sector and declining incomes in the country. General Information, Evolution of the Timber Industry of the town of Fontana, Current Situation Analysis of the undertaking, Serendipity, Home Survey Company, Beginning of Manual of Safety and Occupational Health and finally make a technical proposal for both the current benefit and the future of the procedures performed in the above industries, are the items on the document below.
- ItemDiseño del manual de seguridad y salud ocupacional, en el sistema actual del Hospital Provincial General de Latacunga(Ecuador: Latacunga: Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi: (UTC), 2011-01-10) Uribe Campaña, José Eduardo; Navas Olmedo, Hernán BladimiroThe following investigation, was realized through of the actual organization of the institution "Hospital Provincial General de Latacunga", and its processes are dedicating to give a good service in the health The work proposes, "Diseño del Manual de Seguridad y Salud Ocupacional, en el sistema actual del Hospital Provincial General de Latacunga", in order to get a risk administration, usage of law, give to the workers a good and safe environment, it means to contribute with the society and the country.
- ItemManual ergonómico de manipulación de cargas en el área de logística y materiales de la empresa AYMESA S.A ubicada en la av. Maldonado 8519 y Amaru Ñan Quito-Ecuador(Ecuador:Latacunga:Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi: (UTC), 2012) Cevallos Quillupangui, Augusto Javier; Jiménez Verdesoto, Darwin Moisés; Navas, HernánThe present research leaves of the necessity of incorporating urgent and significant transformations in the area of the security and occupational health that allows to promote an administration system for an integral management of the manipulation of loads in the logistics area and materials of the company AYMESA CORP. of the Quito city with the purpose to providing to this establishment a tool very valuable for the purpose to provide to this establishment a tool very valuable for the workers and the daily needs to minimize and control the risks that are derived of an inadequate manipulation of loads, safeguarding the integrity of the company staff. The first chapter is about the problem where it is mentioned the important related with manipulation of loads. A theoretical mark is identified that with manipulation of loads. A theoretical mark is identified that allows to understand the nature of the study; then is done an analysis through the use of questionnaires, interviews and direct observation, it is directed to the workers of Aymesa S.A., reaching with this information to conclusions and recommendations that will indicate us the found problems and an idea of how they could be solved. Finally, in this work there is a proposal that it is considered indispensable to apply in the Company, with the purpose to contribute in the decrease of ergonomic raclQ s.
- Item“Optimización del macroproceso de titulación en la Facultad de Ciencias de la Ingeniería y Aplicadas de la Universidad Técnica De Cotopaxi”(Ecuador: Latacunga: Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi: (UTC), 2024-08) Palma Santana, Henry Fabricio; Valverde Chávez, Matthew Matías; Naranjo Robalino, José EzequielThis research project aimed to optimize the macro-process of degree in the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Sciences of the Technical University of Cotopaxi. The study began with the collection of information and direct observation of the current processes within the degree department, where a notable inefficiency was identified that seriously affects academic planning, harming both students and administrative staff. Deficient socialization of information has generated ineffective communication among the actors involved, which has led to the misuse of their internal regulations, and confusing requirements and procedures. Process improvement was proposed in this research project to address these problems. Initially, the actors involved in the current process were identified and analyzed, documenting each step and highlighting the problems present during the academic cycle. Surveys were carried out with students and degree personnel to identify inefficient processes and opportunities for improvement. Given the high rate of deficiencies found, a cause-effect diagram was developed to map the problem and identify its underlying causes in each process. In addition, a Value-Added Analysis (VVA) was used to evaluate each stage of the titling process, determining which ones provide real value and which could be optimized or eliminated. As a result of this research work, a significant increase between 20% and 30% in efficiency was achieved in each of the processes, reflected in a manual of processes and procedures that will benefit both students and administrative staff of the CIYA Faculty.