Titulación - Ingeniería en Industrial
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- Item“Optimización del macroproceso de titulación en la Facultad de Ciencias de la Ingeniería y Aplicadas de la Universidad Técnica De Cotopaxi”(Ecuador: Latacunga: Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi: (UTC), 2024-08) Palma Santana, Henry Fabricio; Valverde Chávez, Matthew Matías; Naranjo Robalino, José EzequielThis research project aimed to optimize the macro-process of degree in the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Sciences of the Technical University of Cotopaxi. The study began with the collection of information and direct observation of the current processes within the degree department, where a notable inefficiency was identified that seriously affects academic planning, harming both students and administrative staff. Deficient socialization of information has generated ineffective communication among the actors involved, which has led to the misuse of their internal regulations, and confusing requirements and procedures. Process improvement was proposed in this research project to address these problems. Initially, the actors involved in the current process were identified and analyzed, documenting each step and highlighting the problems present during the academic cycle. Surveys were carried out with students and degree personnel to identify inefficient processes and opportunities for improvement. Given the high rate of deficiencies found, a cause-effect diagram was developed to map the problem and identify its underlying causes in each process. In addition, a Value-Added Analysis (VVA) was used to evaluate each stage of the titling process, determining which ones provide real value and which could be optimized or eliminated. As a result of this research work, a significant increase between 20% and 30% in efficiency was achieved in each of the processes, reflected in a manual of processes and procedures that will benefit both students and administrative staff of the CIYA Faculty.
- Item“Aplicación de la metodología Deming (PHVA) en los procesos productivos de la empresa avícola “Mishell” de la ciudad de Latacunga”(Ecuador: Latacunga: Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi: (UTC), 2024-08) Rodriguez Zambrano, Erika Dayana; Ulloa Enríquez, Medardo ÁngelThe present research is linked to industrial environment, aiming to raise awareness among the workplace or organization owner about tools use applied at Deming cycle (PDCA). Due to lack knowledge about the application of a continuous improvement system, the company procedures, as well as product quality, were negatively affected, leading to economic losses, staff layoffs, and issues with the final consumer. By applying the PDCA methodology through an internal control system, it was possible to improve the production processes at “Avícola Mishell.” Using a mixed qualitative and quantitative approach, techniques such as observation were employed to collect information directly on-site to assess the current state of the poultry production processes, identifying a process improvement in poultry feeding. Additionally, the level of prioritization given by employees to 14 principles of Deming was measured, revealing five principles needing improvement: Principle 8 at 78%, Principle 10 at 77%, Principle 3 and Principle 13 at 70%, and Principle 12 at 68%. A tailored improvement plan was proposed within a pre-established budget, including a start and end schedule for activities, aiming to increase productivity, with results showing a 7% increase in the third week and an 8% increase in the fourth week of June and July.
- ItemOptimización del macroproceso de acreditación en la facultad de ciencias de la ingeniería y aplicadas de la Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi.(Ecuador: Latacunga: Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi: (UTC), 2024-08) Chichanda Ante, Dennys Alexander; Masabanda Ugsha, Anthony Eulises; Naranjo Robalino; José EzequielThe macroprocess accreditation is a set of processes designed to evaluate and certify the quality and compliance with standards in educational institutions or academic programs, in this case, the macroprocess accreditation at the Faculty of Engineering Sciences and Applied Sciences at the Technical University of Cotopaxi. This process includes application, internal evaluation, external evaluation by the accrediting institution, and the pronouncement of the same. The macroprocess optimization arises from the need to define the processes and procedures involved in accreditation at the Faculty of Engineering Sciences and Applied Sciences at the Technical University of Cotopaxi, with the aim of identifying critical points and proposing improvements. Initially, the process mapping was carried out using specialized process modeling software, which allowed for detailed graphical representations creation and a better accreditation macroprocess understanding by all those involved. For this research development, failure detection methods such as Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) and Root Cause Analysis (RCA) techniques were applied. These methods helped identify areas for process improvement and optimize. The result was an 18% optimization of the accreditation macroprocess and the creation of a detailed processes and procedures manual for the processes and subprocesses execution. This manual will be valuable for work team, as it will provide them with a guide to carry out their activities efficiently and effectively.
- ItemMejoramiento de la productividad en el área de devoluciones de la empresa Importadora Alvarado(Ecuador: Latacunga: Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi: (UTC), 2024-08) Tenelema Chillo, Angel Lupercio; Travez Sandoval, Jonathan Miguel; Tello Cóndor, Ángel MarceloThis research project addresses the optimization of productivity in the returns area of Importadora Alvarado through an exhaustive time study. Since returns are associated with sales errors, merchandise damage and factory defects, it was decided to thoroughly examine the entire returns management process. The analysis revealed several inefficiencies, such as downtime and delays in handling and recording returned items, underscoring the need for a detailed evaluation. A descriptive methodology combined with the return to zero method was adopted to measure the times required in each stage of the process, from the initial receipt of the mail to the incorporation of the spare parts into inventory. A general flowchart and an analytical flowchart were created to map the activities and their associated times. The evaluation included the work pace, the calculation of the base time and necessary adjustments to define the standard time, thus allowing the current capacity of the process to be determined. The proposed recommendations, which cover the elimination or combination of certain activities, led to a reduction in the standard times of key operations. This resulted in a 11% increase in the productivity of the returns process, confirming the effectiveness of the improvements applied and highlighting the positive impact of the optimization on Importadora Alvarado's operational efficiency.g
- Item“Optimización del sistema de gestión de órdenes de trabajo en el taller Automecano del Sur”(Ecuador: Latacunga: Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi: (UTC), 2024-08) Ajila Villafuerte, Yeleni Brigitte; Guzmán Montesdeoca, Omayra Marianela; Ulloa Enríquez, Medardo ÁngelThis research study is focused on improving the operational efficiency of the auto repair shop ‘Automecano del Sur’ by reducing the time in the execution of subprocesses. The auto repair shop is in the southern part of the city of Latacunga. A survey was conducted to know the status and the subprocesses of the workshop, where questions were asked about the order management system and the training that the technicians had about the new management system. Deficiencies were observed in the time required by the operators to complete their work, leading to a decrease in the quality of the service provided to the customer. The study aimed to apply a new management methodology for the subprocesses, where the use of statistical methods resulted in reduced times and increased efficiency, with efficiency levels rising from 94% to 97%. Finally, it is expected that this work will not only help improve the operational efficiency of the workshop but also increase its competitiveness compared to other automotive workshops and contribute to sustainability