Análisis de Sustentabilidad de las Fincas de los Productores Agropecuarios de la Parroquia La Esperanza Cantón Pujilí, Provincia de Cotopaxi.

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Ecuador, Latacunga: Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi (UTC)
En el presente proyecto se analizó la sustentabilidad de las fincas agropecuarias de la cuenca del río pílalo, en las coordenada X 0715668, Y 9894709 hasta la coordenada X 0715300, Y 9894833 en una altura de 2227 m.n.s.m, hasta una altura de 684 m.s.n.m, siendo un proyecto pionero en la investigación el analizar sistemas de producción y condiciones de vida de los productores de la zona mencionada. El objetivo principal del fue analizar la sustentabilidad de las fincas de los productores agropecuarios. Para ejecutar el trabajo se desarrollaron los indicadores en las dimensiones social, económica y ambiental. aplicando la metodología de Santiago Sarandón, una vez clasificada la información y sistematizada por transectos, se ejecutó el análisis de sustentabilidad utilizando la metodología, donde se obtuvo los siguientes resultados, IG (Índice General)= (S+E+A)/D con 2.3, lo cual indica que hay sustentabilidad en el sector de forma general. Obtenido del promedio de la dimensión con un promedio de 2.7, en la dimensión económica se obtuvo un promedio de 2.5 a la ves la dimensión ambiental obtuvo un promedio de 1.8, lo cual hace notar que se debe trabajar en este aspecto. The farms viability of the watershed of the Pilalo River was analyzed, at coordinates X 0715668, Y 9894709 to the coordinate X 0715300, and 9894833 at a height of 2227 mnsm, up to altitudes of 684 msnm, being a pioneering research project due to analyzing production systems and living conditions of producers in the area. The primary objective was to analyze the sustainability of the farms. To carry out this research, the indicators were developed in the social, economic and environmental dimensions by the Santiago Sarandón´ methodology; once the information was classified and systematized by transects, the sustainability analysis was performed using the method, where the following results were obtained: G (General Index) = (S + E + A) / D with 2.3, which indicates that there is sustainability in the sector in general terms that was obtained from the average of the dimension with an average of 2.7 in the economic dimension was achieved with an average of 2.5 to see the environmental dimension obtained an average of 1.8, which notes
The farms viability of the watershed of the Pilalo River was analyzed, at coordinates X 0715668, Y 9894709 to the coordinate X 0715300, and 9894833 at a height of 2227 mnsm, up to altitudes of 684 msnm, being a pioneering research project due to analyzing production systems and living conditions of producers in the area. The primary objective was to analyze the sustainability of the farms. To carry out this research, the indicators were developed in the social, economic and environmental dimensions by the Santiago Sarandón´ methodology; once the information was classified and systematized by transects, the sustainability analysis was performed using the method, where the following results were obtained: G (General Index) = (S + E + A) / D with 2.3, which indicates that there is sustainability in the sector in general terms that was obtained from the average of the dimension with an average of 2.7 in the economic dimension was achieved with an average of 2.5 to see the environmental dimension obtained an average of 1.8, which notes that work must be done in this aspect.
Morocho Valencia Edwin Fernando; Análisis de Sustentabilidad de las Fincas de los Productores Agropecuarios de la Parroquia La Esperanza Cantón Pujilí, Provincia de Cotopaxi. UTC. Latacunga. 171 p.