Titulación - Ingeniería en Agronomía
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- Item“Evaluación de enraizantes en esquejes de dos variedades de papas nativas, Chaucha amarilla (Solanum phureja), Mora azul (Solanum tuberosum) en la Estación Experimental Santa Catalina INIAP-2024”.(Ecuador : Latacunga : Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi (UTC), 2024-08) Vallejo Llasag, Odila Elizabeth; Yauli Chicaiza, Guido EuclidesIn Ecuador, there are about 350 varieties of native potatoes, cultivated by small farmers above 3,200 masl, which are threatened by low yields, increases in pests, diseases and the promotion of improved varieties. This research evaluated rooting in cuttings of two varieties of native potatoes, Chaucha Amarilla (Solanum phureja) and Mora Azul (Solanum tuberosum), at the Santa Catalina Experimental Station INIAP, located in the Pichincha province, Mejía canton, Cutuglagua parish. A completely random block design (DBCA) was implemented with factorial arrangement A x B; where factor A are the native potato varieties (Chaucha amarilla and Mora azul) and in factor B are the rooting ones (Microalga Spirulina, Aloe vera, Cinnamon and as a witness the Hormonagro 1), so the research has 8 treatments with 3 repetitions giving us a total of 24 experimental units. The evaluated variables were percentage of rooting (%), shoot length (cm), number of roots, root length (cm), and root weight (g) in which was carried out a variance analysis and test Tukey of 5%. By interpreting the results, it was identified that statistically all treatments have the same percentage of adhesion, but, in terms of values, treatment V1E3 (Chaucha Amarilla + Cinnamon) showed the best rooting percentage (93%) and the longest shoot length with an average of (3.96 cm). In the variables related to the root system, the best treatments for the number of roots were V1E4 (Chaucha Amarilla + Hormongro 1) with an average of (9.17); V1E3 (Chaucha Amarilla + Cinnamon) with an average of (9.03); and V1E1 (Chaucha Amarilla + Spirulina Microalgae) with an average of (8.72) the treatment V1E3 (Chaucha Amarilla + Cinnamon) showed a root length of (11.29 cm) and a root weight of (0.39 g). Additionally, there was conducted a cost/benefit analysis of the treatments, and they are considered profitable as they have a value greater than 1. It is established that the application of rooting in the cuttings from mother plants helps to obtain native potatoes seedlings.
- Item“Determinación del estado de recursos suelo y agua en zonas productoras comunitarias de leche de Poaló, Once de Noviembre, Belisario Quevedo, Ignacio flores y Eloy Alfaro del cantón Latacunga”(Ecuador : Pujilí : Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi (UTC), 2024-08) Achig Pilapaña, Katherine Alexandra; Aimacaña Jami, Stefany Noemi; Chasi Vizuete, Wilman PaoloDairy production is one of the most important agricultural sectors in the country, this activity generate approximately 1.4 billion dollars annually. According to (MAG 2023), the Cotopaxi province produces 737,702 liters of which approximately 60% comes from community production it could be increased with a better management of productive resources. The aimed of this research was to determine the status of soil and water resources in the community dairy-producing areas of Poaló, Once de Noviembre, Belisario Quevedo, Ignacio Flores, and Eloy Alfaro in the Latacunga canton the results showed significant variations between the different locations. On the other hand, Ignacio Flores has a better rating for stability and aggregation of soil, with an average of 0.88 mm. On other hand, Poaló exhibited an average pH of 8.16, which makes it slightly alkaline, approaching the optimal range for pasture cultivation. Regarding electrical conductivity, Once de Noviembre approached the ideal range with a value of 408 (dS/m). The levels of organic matter in these parishes are in the range from 1 to 3 (meq/100g), with some plots exceeding the maximum ranges. The parishes Once de Noviembre and Belisario Quevedo showed nitrogen levels within the optimal range (500 to 4000 mg/L N), while Ignacio Flores presented a high calcium concentration of 67.56 ppm, which is higher than the recommended value. In the Once de Noviembre parish the potassium remained within the ideal range at 32 meq/100g. Sodium is the most prevalent nutrient in nearly all the parishes, with Belisario Quevedo at the optimal limit with 31.44 PSI of sodium. Eloy Alfaro exhibited phosphorus levels within the ideal range, with a value of 44.88 ppm. Finally, the water pH in Once de Noviembre is 8.74, while in Poaló, the levels of dissolved oxygen and electrical conductivity remained within the optimal ranges, with values of 143.9 mg/L and 0.78 S/m, respectively.
- ItemEfecto de distintos niveles de fertilización mineral en el comportamiento agronómico de cuatro variedades de banano (Musa paradisiaca) en la parroquia Guasaganda.(Ecuador : La Maná Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi (UTC), 2024-08) Ramírez Argoti, Diego Franklin; Rosado Calero, Alisson Gabriela; López Bósquez, Jonathan BismarHis research was carried out at the “Sacha Wiwa” experimental center, located in the Guasaganda parish, belonging to the Technical University of Cotopaxi in La Maná, in a banana crop where the effect of different levels of mineral fertilization on the agronomic behavior of four varieties of banana (Musa paradisiaca) was evaluated, where a completely random block design (CRBD) was used. with a factorial arrangement of AxB, factor A composed of banana cultivars (Baby banana, Williams, Morado and Gros Michel), factor B the fertilization levels (without fertilization, deficit, low, medium and high), with a total of 20 treatments with three replications, with a total of 38 gl, employing Tukey's multiple range test at 0.05%, evaluating 12 variables, having as results that fertilization levels did intervene in the development of banana cultivars, in variables such as height, leaf width and length, presented better values with low fertilization, understanding that cultivars do not require high levels to maximize the values in these variables, highlighting their ability to take advantage of the available nutrients, while in the variables number of leaves, stem diameter, leaf area, days to flowering, good results were obtained with high fertilization, reaching similar results with low fertilization, as for the weight of the bunch there were no statistical differences between cultivars, however, in fertilization there were better averages with low fertilization, in the number of hands, low fertilization presented the best averages in terms of cultivars, Gros Michel presented a greater number of hands, while the lowest was Baby banana, which is influenced by the genetic characteristics of the cultivars, Number of leaves at harvest, the Purple and Baby banana varieties stood out a value, where fertilization levels did not influence, while the Harvest (Days) the Purple and Williams varieties presented a greater number of days, Baby banana was the cultivar that presented fewer days at harvest in which fertilization levels did not influence, however, a better behavior was observed with the control treatment followed by medium fertilization, it was determined that the agroecological factors of Guasaganda could have included since the results were better at low fertilization levels without excluding the genetic characteristics of the cultivars.
- ItemEfectos de la aplicación de fundas de diferentes colores y espesores en la protección de racimos de plátano hartón (Musa paradisiaca)(Ecuador : La Maná Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi (UTC), 2024-08) Velez Riascos, Alexis Andrés; Pincay Ronquillo, Wellington JeanThis research project was carried out in the Estero Hondo precinct that belongs to La Maná canton with the objective of evaluating the effect of the application of bags of different colors and thicknesses in the protection of bunches of Hartón banana (Musa paradisiaca) by using a completely randomized experimental design (CRED). It was applied a factorial arrangement of A*B+1, where factor A corresponded to three colors of bags (blue, green, and transparent) and factor B corresponded to two thicknesses of the bags (0.4 and 0.6 mm). In addition, a control was also used, so establishing 7 treatments with 4 repetitions and giving a total of 28 experimental units. The results of this research demonstrated that the treatment corresponding to the blue bags with a thickness of 0.6 mm, presented the highest averages in the variables: bunch weight (16 kg), hands per bunch (6.75 hands), fingers per hand (9 fingers), and finger thickness (5.13 cm). In addition, the economic analysis in relation to the cost benefit was superior to the other treatments. Similar results were observed in the treatment of blue bags with a thickness of 0.4 mm. On the other hand, it was possible to identify that by not founding the bunch, the weight of the last one is reduced by approximately 3 kg, the fingers per hand to 7 fingers, and finger thickness to 4.69 cm.
- ItemEfectos de distintos niveles de fertilización mineral en el comportamiento agronómico de diferentes variedades de plátano (Musa paradisiaca) en la parroquia Guasaganda.(Ecuador : La Maná Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi (UTC), 2024-08) Bonilla Gallo, Erika Lisbeth; Vélez Rojas, Derian Alexander; Pincay Ronquillo, Wellington JeanThis research was carried out at the Sacha Wiwa experimental center which is located in Guasaganda parish, La Maná canton. A collection of musaces whose three varieties of bananas (Musa paradisiaca) were selected to establish fertilization levels by evaluating the agronomic behavior under the agroecological conditions of the area. A completely random block design (CRBD) was applied with a factorial arrangement of AxB, where the factor A was composed by the banana varieties (Barraganete, Filipino, Harton) and factor B fertilization levels (high, medium, low, very low, no fertilization) with a total of 15 treatments with three replications. The statistical analysis was focused on Tukey multiple range test at 0.05% of probability of the variables: plant height, pseudostem diameter, number of leaves, leaf length and width, leaf area, days to flowering, bunch weight, number of hands, finger length, finger degrees, and economic analysis, so having as a result that the different levels of fertilization did intervene in the development of the banana crop. The Barraganete variety stood out in the variables leaf width (59, 63 cm) and leaf area (425, 15 cm2) with a medium fertilization and a better average in terms of leaf length with very low fertilization. The Filipino variety presented better average in bunch weight (31,62 Kg) and finger degrees (51°) with a medium fertilization, also presenting a lower number of days in terms of flowering (261 days) with the treatment without fertilization. Hartón stood out in the variable plant height (2,73 m) with a high fertilization, pseudostem diameter (57, 70 cm) with a very low fertilization level and number of leaves (5,33) with a low fertilization; in terms of the weight of the bunch, number of hands, length of finger, there were not significant differences.