Desarrollo de una aplicación móvil para la verificación del comportamiento del motor en los automóviles de marca Chevrolet a partir del año 2000, mediante la utilización de la metodología móvil-d en el taller automotriz automecano del sur, en la parroquia Ignacio Flores del cantón Latacunga de la provincia de Cotopaxi, durante el periodo 2014 – 2015

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The mobile application for the verification of the engine performance in the brand automobiles Chevrolet has for objective facilitating to the car repair shop the processes that are carried out when are checked by automobiles manual. Besides this, it allows the store to extract error codes of the ECU of the automobile through the integrated circuit ELM 327, by the way to obtain a record of the damages repaired in each one of the automobiles that go to the car repair shop. The present project looks to apply the acquired knowledge on new technological tools, in this case it was opted to use the development tool WinDev Mobile due to the easy handle of the code that it can reuse the same one and by this way to create a complete application in a smaller time. Considering the technological advance this project will manage toward the mobile devices that most of people use them, since at the present time because they offer advanced options in the some device. Finally, the methodology with application was developed it is MOBILE-D, this is used specifically to development mobile applications, and this methodology provides all the bases for the success in the software development.
Cando Zurita, Katherine Johana. Tigse Pilla, Christian Mauricio (2016). Desarrollo de una aplicación móvil para la verificación del comportamiento del motor en los automóviles de marca Chevrolet a partir del año 2000, mediante la utilización de la metodología móvil-d en el taller automotriz automecano del sur, en la parroquia Ignacio Flores del cantón Latacunga de la provincia de Cotopaxi, durante el periodo 2014 – 2015. Unidad Académica de Ciencias de la Ingeniería y Aplicadas. UTC. Latacunga. 146 p.