“Las emociones socio – afectivas en el proceso de aprendizaje”.
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Ecuador: Pujilí: Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi (UTC)
El proyecto de investigación tiene como objetivo documentar a través de historias de vida las experiencias y manifestaciones de las emociones socioafectivas en un grupo específico, con el propósito de analizar los factores contextuales, sociales y personales que influye en el desarrollo de su aprendizaje en el Cantón Pujilí, Provincia Cotopaxi, año 2024, por lo tanto, el estudio se centró en el siguiente problema planteado ¿Cómo influye el contexto familiar en el desarrollo de las emociones socioafectivas en el proceso de aprendizaje de los niños?. Se empleó una metodología basada en el enfoque cualitativo, mediante la investigación de tipo documental con un método inductivo y un diseño narrativo. Para recopilar datos, se emplearon técnicas de investigación como: entrevistas e historias de vida. Basándose teóricamente en el enfoque humanista, que se concentra en entender completamente a la persona y su percepción del mundo, incluyendo emociones, pensamientos y valores. De los hallazgos obtenidos se concluye que las experiencias emocionales vividas en el entorno familiar pueden favorecer como también obstaculizar el proceso de aprendizaje de los estudiantes, dependiendo de la calidad de las relaciones familiares. El ambiente emocional en los hogares de los entrevistados es generalmente melancólico debido a la ausencia de los padres. Los niños han tenido que crecer al cuidado de sus familiares y en algunos casos, han enfrentado su crianza solos, lo cual ha generado repercusiones emocionales en ellos, generando sentimientos de inseguridad, desmotivación y abandono que afectan su autoestima y, consecuentemente, su desarrollo académico. Esta investigación proporciona información relevante sobre el impacto del entorno familiar en el desarrollo de las emociones socioafectivas y en el proceso de aprendizaje de los niños.
The objective of the research project was to document through life stories the experiences and manifestations of socio-affective emotions in a specific group, in order to analyze the contextual, social and personal factors that influence the development of their learning in the Canton Pujilí, Cotopaxi Province, year 2024. Thus, the study focused on the following problem: How does the family context influence the development of socio-affective emotions in the learning process of children? A methodology based on the qualitative approach was used, through documentary type research with an inductive method and a narrative design. To collect data, research techniques such as interviews and life stories were employed. In addition, the humanistic approach was applied, which focuses on fully understanding the person and his or her perception of the world, including emotions, thoughts and values. From the findings it is concluded that the emotional experiences lived in the family environment can favor as well as hinder the learning process of students, depending on the quality of family relationships. The emotional environment in the homes of the interviewees is generally melancholic due to the absence of the parents. The children have had to grow up in the care of their relatives and in some cases, they have faced their upbringing alone, which has generated emotional repercussions in them, generating feelings of insecurity, demotivation and abandonment that affect their self-esteem, consequently, their academic development. This research provides relevant information on the impact of the family environment on the development of socioemotional emotions and on the learning process of children.
The objective of the research project was to document through life stories the experiences and manifestations of socio-affective emotions in a specific group, in order to analyze the contextual, social and personal factors that influence the development of their learning in the Canton Pujilí, Cotopaxi Province, year 2024. Thus, the study focused on the following problem: How does the family context influence the development of socio-affective emotions in the learning process of children? A methodology based on the qualitative approach was used, through documentary type research with an inductive method and a narrative design. To collect data, research techniques such as interviews and life stories were employed. In addition, the humanistic approach was applied, which focuses on fully understanding the person and his or her perception of the world, including emotions, thoughts and values. From the findings it is concluded that the emotional experiences lived in the family environment can favor as well as hinder the learning process of students, depending on the quality of family relationships. The emotional environment in the homes of the interviewees is generally melancholic due to the absence of the parents. The children have had to grow up in the care of their relatives and in some cases, they have faced their upbringing alone, which has generated emotional repercussions in them, generating feelings of insecurity, demotivation and abandonment that affect their self-esteem, consequently, their academic development. This research provides relevant information on the impact of the family environment on the development of socioemotional emotions and on the learning process of children.
The objective of the research project was to document through life stories the experiences and manifestations of socio-affective emotions in a specific group, in order to analyze the contextual, social and personal factors that influence the development of their learning in the Canton Pujilí, Cotopaxi Province, year 2024. Thus, the study focused on the following problem: How does the family context influence the development of socio-affective emotions in the learning process of children? A methodology based on the qualitative approach was used, through documentary type research with an inductive method and a narrative design. To collect data, research techniques such as interviews and life stories were employed. In addition, the humanistic approach was applied, which focuses on fully understanding the person and his or her perception of the world, including emotions, thoughts and values. From the findings it is concluded that the emotional experiences lived in the family environment can favor as well as hinder the learning process of students, depending on the quality of family relationships. The emotional environment in the homes of the interviewees is generally melancholic due to the absence of the parents. The children have had to grow up in the care of their relatives and in some cases, they have faced their upbringing alone, which has generated emotional repercussions in them, generating feelings of insecurity, demotivation and abandonment that affect their self-esteem, consequently, their academic development. This research provides relevant information on the impact of the family environment on the development of socioemotional emotions and on the learning process of children.
Quishpe Sangucho, Erika Noelia y Toapanta Untuña, Joselyn Angelica (2024), “Las emociones socio – afectivas en el proceso de aprendizaje”. UTC. Pujilí. 80 p.