Titulación - Maestría en Ciencias Veterinarias
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- ItemPrevalencia de Nosemosis en los diferentes Ecotipos de abejas (Apis mellifera) presentes en las tres regiones del Ecuador(Ecuador: Latacunga: Universidad Técnica e Cotopaxi (UTC), 2024-08) Vásconez Armijos, Jonathan Ramiro; Reynaldi, José FranciscoNosemosis (Nosema spp) is a disease that occurs in bees worldwide and causes great losses in honey productivity. The objective of the research was to determine the prevalence of Vairimorpha spp (ex Nosema spp) in the different Ecotypes of bees (Apis mellifera) of the subspecies Scutellata and Jemenitica present in the three regions of Ecuador. For this, the spore counting technique was carried out in a New Bauer chamber, the samples obtained were collected in 32 apiaries in the three regions of Ecuador; the apiaries were selected through the national registration base of the Beekeeping Health Program-2020 dependent on the General Coordination of Animal Health of the Phyto and Zoosanitary Regulation and Control Agency; in each apiary, samples were taken from 5 hives; the samples were analyzed in the AGROCALIDAD Animal Health laboratories. The prevalence of Vairimorpha was determined taking into account the three regions of Ecuador (mountains, coast and east). Particularly in the Sierra and Coast regions there was a prevalence of 6.7 and 6.3% respectively, while in the Eastern region the presence of infection was not determined in the processed samples. Highlighting that the results tend to generate a prevalence of Vairimorpha at the country level of 4.3%. Although these values are low, it is considered a latent risk, since prevalences greater than 5% require health plans to be granted to prevent the spread of the disease.
- ItemEvaluación del tomillo y orégano (Thymus vulgaris, Origanum vulgare) como promotores de crecimiento en cuyes de la unidad de especies menores de la ESPOCH(Ecuador: Latacunga: Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi (UTC), 2024-08) Herrera Ocaña, Héctor Ramiro; Chicaiza Sànchez, Luis AlonsoThe research was carried out in the minor species unit of the ESPOCH, 2 inputs (oorégano and thyme) were evaluated as growth promoters for the preparation of balanced food with 3 treatments (5, 10 and 15% oorégano and thyme flour), to be compared with a control, 5 repetitions were carried out with an experimental unit size of 2, that is, 80 male guinea pigs. The experimental units were modeled applying a Completely Random Design, in a bifactor arrangement. The results indicate that the best feed conversion in the fattening growth stage was when adding 15% thyme, with averages of 3.25; That is, to achieve greater efficiency, 15% oorégano will be used. In general terms, for growing guinea pigs, an efficient feed conversion range from 2:1 to 3:1 is considered. When making balanced food with 15% thyme, it can be seen that its bromatological composition improves since dry matter (9.0%), moisture (91.0%), protein (13.78), fat (4.6%) and ash (4.8%); meet the NRC requirements, in the organoleptic evaluation the best quality is seen in the meat of the guinea pigs fed with 15% oorégano since the tasters demonstrate their acceptability by rating them as I like them, the highest cost benefit with added balanced food 15% oorégano with 1.19; That is to say, for every dollar invested a return of 19 cents is expected, a profit of 19% which is encouraging because we are fed with natural growth promoters that do not affect the health of the guinea pig.
- ItemUtilización de la ruminaza como suplemento alimenticio peletizado en la alimentación de cuyes de engorde(Ecuador: Latacunga: Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi (UTC)., 2024-08) Toapanta Oña, Alex Darío; Chicaiza Sánchez, Luis AlonsoThe research was conducted in the province of Cotopaxi, canton Latacunga, Salache sector, at the Experimental and Academic Center Salache "CEASA", Technical University of Cotopaxi; in order to evaluate three levels of ruminate as a pelleted food supplement in the feeding of guinea pigs in the fattening stage; given that the ruminal content is one of the pollutants with the greatest environmental impact. The research will be experimental, deductive method, four treatments and two repetitions, under a Completely Randomized Design, the results obtained in relation to the physical-chemical characteristics the ruminal content in fresh contains protein 2.17%, fiber 10.34%; in dry it is concentrated, protein 17.03%, fiber 21.32%, in weight gain T1 reaches a higher value of 647.2g, In feed conversion the best treatment was T0 with 3.44. Carcass yield the best was T2 with 62.1%. In the economic analysis it can be observed that all the treatments under study, including the control, reach a value greater than 1. It is recommended to carry out further research on this topic in order to better analyze patterns and trends in the results.
- ItemUtilización de tres subproductos de molinería en la elaboración de bloques nutricionales, para la alimentación de cuyes en la etapa de acabado(Ecuador: Latcuanga: Universidad Técnica ed Cotopaxi (UTC), 2024-08) Llerena Zambrano, Julio César; Silva Deley, Lucia MonserrathThis research was carried out in the Minor Species Academic Unit of the Faculty of Animal Sciences at ESPOCH, over a period of 120 days. Forty guinea pigs of the improved Peruvian line were used, in the finishing phase, with an average initial weight of 300 grams. The objective of the study was to evaluate the effect of three milling by-products (wheat bran, beer bran and oat bran) compared to a control treatment. A Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 5 replications was applied, and the size of the experimental unit was 2 guinea pigs. The results indicate that the T3 treatment (oat bran) presented the highest values of final weight of 0.93 kg, weight gain of 0.66 kg, a feed conversion of 6.80, carcass weight of 0.78 kg and a carcass yield of 82.73%. In contrast, the highest forage consumption (1.66 kg of dry matter), feed block consumption (2.86 kg of dry matter) and total feed consumption (4.51 kg of dry matter) were observed in treatment T1 (beer bran) and T2 (wheat bran). The economic analysis revealed that treatment T3 obtained the best cost-benefit ratio, with a value of 1.24 USD, this means that, for each dollar invested, a profit of 24 cents was obtained, resulting in a profitability of 24%. These findings suggest that the use of oat bran in the feeding of guinea pigs in the finishing phase not only improves productive performance in terms of weight gain and feed efficiency, but also provides a significant economic benefit. The research provides crucial data that can help optimize feeding practices and increase economic sustainability in guinea pig production.
- ItemEfecto de la aplicación de FSH recombinante bovina de Cadena simple (FSH-rcs) en protocolos de superestimulación ovárica sobre la producción de embriones in vivo en ganado Bos-Taurus(Ecuador: Latacunga: Universidad Técnica de cotopaxi, 2024-08) Calero Ortiz, Edison Iván; Gutiérrez Reinoso, Miguel Ángel