Titulación - Maestría en Sanidad Vegetal

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    Toxicidad y eficacia de un Bioinsumo a base de extracto vegetal de Verbenaceae Essential Oil para el control de ácaros (Oligonychus sp.) del cultivo de aguacate
    (Ecuador: Latacunga: Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi (UTC), 2024) Muñoz Cachago, Mauro Daniel; Jácome Mogro, Emerson Javier
    Los bioinsumos a base de extractos vegetales son propuestas interesantes para el control de plagas por su menor impacto ambiental y apoyo para el manejo de resistencia de las plagas, por ello el presente trabajo plantea caracterizar un biosinsumo a base de extracto vegetal de Verbenaceae Essential Oil comercial a través de Cromatografia de Gases-masas y establecer el nivel de control del producto a distintas concentraciones 0, 1, 2 y 3 mL/L, sobre ácaros (Oligonychus perseae), identificados en hojas de aguacate a nivel del laboratorio con un seguimiento en el tiempo a 0, 24, 48 y 72 horas después de la aplicación por atomización y el efectos sobre los estadios de desarrollo de estos tetraníquidos; huevos, ninfas y adultos. Los resultados obtenidos permitieron identificar que el principal componente de este extracto comercial es el timol con un contenido promedio determinado en las muestras de materia prima del 24,59%, con el cual se prepara el bioinsumo y se determina por el mismo método cromatográfico en 3 muestras de producto un valor promedio de 13,2 g/L de timol. Los resultados de la acción acaricida son: a 1 mL/L se alcanza un 46% de muerte promedio a 2 mL/L 78% y a 3 mL/L un 86% de muerte a las 24 horas después de la aplicación finalmente se determina que el mejor tratamiento es a 2 mL/L en los estadios de huevos, ninfas y adultos alcanzando valores sobre el 97% datos que verifican la acción acaricida del bioinsumo a base de extracto vegetal comercial Verbenaceae Essential Oil.
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    Evaluación preliminar de la aplicación de rayos ultravioleta c (uvc) durante el proceso de poscosecha para disminuir los daños causados por botrytis (botrytis cinerea) en rosas.
    (Ecuador: Latacunga: Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi (UTC), 2024-08) Loachamín Tipán, Tatiana Nataly; León Antonio
    Botrytis cinerea is a fungal disease that affects export roses. Currently, the common method to minimize the damage caused by Botrytis cinerea is the use of synthetic fungicides, however, continuous and uncontrolled application generates resistance by the pathogen. This study aims to provide other control alternatives through the use of Ultraviolet Rays (UVC), as an alternative to the use of chemical products that generate cross-resistance and environmental contamination. This study was carried out at the Floricultural Company Matiz Flowers Cía. Ltda. located in the Parish of Mulaló, Canton Latacunga. The research was carried out in two phases. The first was exploratory in nature. The damage caused by UVC irradiation was evaluated at different times (0, 5, 7.5, 10, 12.5, 15 min) of exposure to the flower buds of 7 rose varieties: Mondial, Pink Floyd, Fredoom, Hermosa, Atomic, Boulevar, Sweetness. In the second phase, the effect of 6 times (0, 5, 7.5, 10, 12.5, 15 min) of exposure of the buds to UVC rays was evaluated in order to evaluate the control of Botrytis cinerea in the buds of the Mondial and Pink Floyd varieties susceptible to Botrytis cinerea and of commercial interest to the company. Initially, prior to exposure to UVC rays, the flower buds received the washing treatments normally carried out by the Company, including the chemical alternative. In the second part, the buds were only washed with water. In general, in the exploratory phase, it was determined that the Mondial variety did not show damage due to exposure to UVC rays, while the Pink Floyd variety shows burning of the petals after 5 minutes of exposure to UVC rays, however, it is one of the varieties of greatest commercial interest and susceptible to attack by Botrytis cinerea. All the treatments under study were placed in a humid chamber for 3 days and the percentage of damage and the number of spots caused by Botrytis cinerea were recorded. In general, it was determined that the longer the exposure time to UVC rays on the flower buds, the lower the number of spots caused by Botrytis cinerea in the two varieties under study during the post-harvest process. They also showed significant differences between the two varieties.
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    Evaluación de la resina viva (live resin) y el aceite esencial de Cannabis (Cannabis sativa L.) para el control in vitro de Paratrioza (Bactericera cockerelli Sulc
    (Ecuador: Latacunga: Universidad Técnica e Cotopaxi (UTC), 2024-08) Cruz Pacha, Andrés Francisco; Granja Guerra, Eliana
    Plant extracts obtained from different plant substances after various processes are an alternative for pest control. The purpose of the present investigation was to evaluate the effect of plant extracts based on the cannabis plant, for the control of Bactericera cockerelli, under laboratory conditions, the final purpose was to record, which of the cannabis extracts demonstrated the better control of the pest and have an alternative with less impact on the environment and people. Within this research work, a completely randomized experimental design was used with a factorial arrangement (2*2) plus an additional 1. With a total of 5 treatments in 6 repetitions to then proceed with the extraction techniques to obtain our Live resin extracts at 50% and 75% and Cannabis essential oil at 50% and 75%, obtained from the recently harvested cannabis plant and passed through a curing and drying process and then proceed to apply them with their respective witness. The test was carried out under the appropriate conditions of humidity and temperature, then Bactericera cockerelli was introduced, and the population of 15 individuals distributed in each experimental unit, subsequently the application of the extracts was carried out with a spray bottle, the data were taken after 3 hours of the application, so in this way every 3 hours, the data was taken for 18 hours, the dead individuals were counted in a period of 15 minutes, the record was made in a field book, so later tabulate the data using the infostat program, for obtaining the ANOVA analysis and the Tukey test at 5% and thus obtain the following results. It can be seen in the evaluations that (Live Cannabis Resin 75%), (Live Cannabis Resin 50%), had the best control, followed by (Cannabis Essential Oil 75%). It is recommended to use 75% live resin extract.
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    Distribución actual y potencial del AGAVE (Agave spp.) en la Provincia de Cotopaxi
    (Ecuador: Latacunga: Universidad Técnica de Cotoapxi (UTC), 2024-08) Sánchez Montaluisa, Byron Santiago; Rivera Moreno, Marco Antonio
    In Ecuador, the cultivation of agave has sparked growing interest for its multiple applications, including the production of water, honey, fiber for crafts and threads. Additionally, it plays a crucial role in mitigating climate change. During photosynthesis, this plant is capable of capturing carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere, contributing to the reduction of greenhouse gases. Its extensive, deep roots help stabilize soil and store carbon, strengthening ecosystem resilience against environmental degradation. Its resistance to drought makes it a valuable crop. Therefore, the objective of this work is to analyze the current and potential distribution of agave (Agave spp.) in the province of Cotopaxi. Areas with high potential for agave production have been identified in the Latacunga canton, especially in the parishes of 11 de Noviembre, Aláquez, Belisario Quevedo, Guaytacama, Joseguango Bajo, Latacunga, Mulaló, Poaló, San Juan de Pastocalle, Tanicuchi and Toacaso. due to its favorable agroecological conditions. The variations in temperature and precipitation of the region are not a significant obstacle for the agave, thanks to its succulent nature and its adaptability to adverse conditions. This not only promotes environmental resilience, but also represents an opportunity for the sustainable development of the province from an economic, social and environmental point of view.
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    Control de ácaros (tetranychus urticae), en tres variedades de rosas (rosa sp), para exportación.
    (Ecuador: Latacunga: Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi; UTC, 2024-04) Bastidas Muñoz, Marco Tulio; Jacome Mogro, Emerson Javier
    El ácaro fitófago Tetranychus urticae, es considerado como la principal plaga en el cultivo de rosas esto sumado al uso indiscriminado de plaguicidas químicos han causado que este patógeno genere una resistencia. Por lo cual, se crea la necesidad de buscar nuevas alternativas de control amigables con el ambiente. De ahí que, en el presente estudio se exterioriza como alternativa orgánica al uso de extracto de Phytolacca bogotensis K, por poseer gran cantidad de saponinas; pueden actuar por contacto o ingestión al romper la tensión superficial y formar complejos con esteroles en la membrana celular permeable y puede ser consideradas como controlador de ácaros. Es por eso que, en la presente investigación se analizó la efectividad del extracto de Phytolacca bogotensis K a dos dosis (30 cc/l y 40 cc/l), en relación al testigo químico comercial Trisiloxano (0,5 cc/l); esto se realizó en las instalaciones de la finca comercial Fresh Market, la cual se encuentra en el cantón Cayambe, provincia de Pichincha, en donde se analizó la efectividad de estas, con relación a tres variedades de rosas como son: Freedom, High Exótica y Jessica; el diseño experimental que se empleó en esta investigación fue un arreglo factorial 3 x 3 implementado en un diseño de bloques completos al azar; la duración del experimento tuvo un periodo de 16 días, en donde se observó la interacción del extracto con el ácaro Tetranychus urticae en sus fases de ninfa y adulto. Los resultados obtenidos en relación a la efectividad de los tratamientos para control de araña roja, presentó en primer lugar Trisiloxano 0,5 cc/l, seguido del extracto de P. bogotensis a 40 cc/l, como el mejor tratamiento alternativo para aplicar en los estados de ninfa y adulto con una efectividad superior al 93%. Por otra parte, de las variedades analizadas, se puede mencionar que la variedad Freedom fue aquella que presentó menor incidencia con respecto al grado de infestación de la plaga. Por tanto, aplicar extracto de P. bogotensis para el control de ácaros y así favorecer la reducción de ingrediente activo/ha/año en el agro-ecosistema productivo de estos cultivares o cuando amerite una situación en sanidad vegetal.