Estudio sobre el desempeño laboral de los arquitectos de la ciudad de Latacunga, provincia de Cotopaxi.

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Ecuador: Latacunga: Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi; Dirección de Posgrados
Estudio sobre el desempeño laboral de los arquitectos de la ciudad de Latacunga, provincia de Cotopaxi.
The field of the architecture is faced high labor demands at the present time, for that which is required of a good acting of the architects through studies that allow to identify the main problems that limit the same one and they affect therefore, the development urbanístico of the cities. The general objective of the present investigation is to Characterize the labor acting of the architects in the Canton Latacunga, making emphasis in the problems that are limiting the same one in function of the activities and tasks that should be completed to respond to the different demands that are derived of its current occupation. The results of the investigation demonstrate that the main problems that limit the labor acting of the architects of the city of Latacunga are linked with the insufficient formation received in the universities, any motivation of the profession in the time of formation like architect, little attention of the unions and local authorities, the problems to adapt in the different tasks of the field labor, little participation of the architects in the urban transformation in the city of Latacunga among others. They also think about some solutions to reduce the effect of this problems dedicated to strengthen the relationships universities, unions and local authorities, to perfect the curriculum, to give bigger attention to the graduate youths; it improves the I execute of the functions of the unions, among others. So much the diagnosis carried out as the solutions that intend can being of practical utility for the local authorities, the unions linked with the sector of the architecture and the own architects of the city of Latacunga and other universities, as well as to serve as reference for other to deepen studies on this topic.
Planeamiento, Desempeño laboral
Razo Ocaña. H (2012) Estudio sobre el desempeño laboral de los arquitectos de la ciudad de Latacunga, provincia de Cotopaxi. U.T.C. Latacunga. 81 p.