Titulación - Ingeniería Ambiental
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- Item“Evaluación participativa del impacto socioambiental de las actividades humanas en el páramo de la comunidad Apagua, parroquia Pilaló, cantón Pujilí, provincia de Cotopaxi”.(Ecuador: Latacunga: Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi: (UTC), 2024-02) Castro Lema, Bryan Iván; Chaluisa Ante, Brayan David; Rivera Moreno, Marco AntonioThis study was conducted in the community of Apagua, in the parish of Pilaló, Pujilí, Cotopaxi, Ecuador, an ecosystem where moorlands face increasing threats from human activities. The objective was to evaluate in a participatory way the socio-environmental impact of human activities in the moorlands. The research methodology follows a qualitative and bibliographic approach, allowing to understand how human activities create a socio-environmental impact allowing to adopt sustainable behaviors, where ArcGIS was applied with updated data until 2022 to map the current state of the area. Surveys were conducted with 220 inhabitants and interviews were conducted with 4 key representative people, selected for their knowledge of the area. The interviews were qualitatively analyzed with ATLAS.ti software by coding and interpreting the responses in depth. The results revealed that 58.2% of the respondents perceived the state of the moorlands as good or very good, while 41.8% showed concerns about its deterioration. 63.2% believed that human activities negatively affected biodiversity, and 60.5% considered that cattle ranching was detrimental to the conservation of the moorlands. In addition, 55.5% criticized waste management and 55.9% pointed to the adverse effects of construction on the ecosystem. Although 67.2% valued awareness campaigns positively and 62.7% appreciated collaboration with NGOs, 38.1% perceived a poor understanding of the ecological importance of the moorlands and 24.1% questioned the effectiveness of community participation in conservation. In conclusion, although the environmental values of the Apagua moorlands in water regulation and biodiversity were recognized, concerns were also raised about the negative effects of human activities such as road construction and livestock expansion. The proposed strategies established the basis for future actions and collaborations, emphasizing the importance of community participation and the integration of local knowledge to promote sustainable practices.
- Item“Análisis de la capacidad de absorción, fragilidad y sensibilidad visual de las unidades de paisaje del páramo Fanthsa Rumi de la comunidad Cumbijín, parroquia San Miguel, cantón Salcedo”. propuesta de conservación 2024”.(Ecuador: Latacunga: Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi: (UTC), 2024-08) Cillo Vargas, Alex Jhonatan; Andrade Valencia, José AntonioThe research project was developed with the objective to investigate the quality and visual fragility of the landscape units at Fanthsa Rumi moorlands at Cumbijín Community belonging to Salcedo canton Cotopaxi province. A methodology focused on the characterization and evaluation of the landscape units was applied taking as a reference the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and the Visual Absorption Capacity Method (CAV), therefore, the visual sensitivity and fragility, presenting a qualitative assessment with numerical weightings that allowed to establish the current situation of the study area. Taking into account several characteristics of the components such as: texture, color, relief, erodibility, slope, vegetation, scenic context, line and spatial configuration. Through field visits, a direct connection with the study area is established, helping this way to determine the anthropogenic activities that cause a negative impact in order to determine the moorlands current visual quality. For this purpose, a field trip was carried out where photographic evidence was recorded and surveys were conducted with the inhabitants of the study area. Through the obtained results it was established that Fanthsa Rumi moorlands has an average of 17 (BLM) with a landscape of medium quality and that the variety in shape, color, line, texture is common within the region, an average CAV of 14 which is in Class I with a very fragile landscape with a medium capacity, they are areas of high slope and hardly regenerable to adapt to modifications that can be generated by human beings. It is concluded in the creation of a conservation proposal presenting activities on the importance of environmental education, care and landscape management that should be taken in the moorland’s ecosystem taking into account its regeneration and restoration.
- Item“Determinaciòn de la calidad de agua por bioindicadores en la bocatoma uno y dos en el sector Novillo Pungo, parque nacional LLanganates, 2024”.(Ecuador: Latacunga: Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi: (UTC), 2024-08) Cóndor Trávez, Dennise Tatiana; Clavijo Cevallos, Manuel PatricioWater quality is a crucial factor for the health of ecosystems and human well-being, especially in protected areas such as Llanganates National Park. This park is renowned for its rich biodiversity and the significance of its water resources for wildlife and local communities. In this context, assessing water quality at intake points one and two in the Novillo Pungo sector becomes essential. This research focuses on determining water quality through a combination of biological, physicochemical, and microbiological methods, emphasizing the use of macroinvertebrates as bioindicators. In the Novillo Pungo sector, 1,195 macroinvertebrate individuals were identified, and distributed across 20 families. The results for the EPT, BMWP/COL, and ABI indices showed EPT values exceeding 50%, a BMWP/COL score greater than 101, and an ABI rating above 52, indicating that the water quality at the sampled points is good, attributed to the presence of macroinvertebrates that are not tolerant to pollution. This biological diversity suggests a healthy and well-balanced aquatic ecosystem. Physicochemical and microbiological analyses provide additional information that corroborates the results obtained through macroinvertebrate evaluation. The results from the ICA–NSF indicate that the water quality, according to classification, falls within the range of good quality, with values of 76.61 and 72.69 for intake points one and two, respectively. Furthermore, among the eight parameters analyzed according to the ICA, one did not meet the permissible limits established by current environmental legislation. Although dissolved oxygen was the only parameter that did not comply with the permissible limits outlined in Table 2 of Ministerial Agreement 097-A, its results were compared with Table 3 of the regulations, demonstrating that the values are suitable for aquatic life. It can be concluded that the water quality is adequate for the implementation of an irrigation system. Additionally, the integration of these analytical methods provides a comprehensive assessment of water quality, as well as a multidirectional approach to environmental monitoring.
- Item“Valoración del paisaje ambiental en la parroquia Belisario Quevedo y su incidencia en el ámbito sociocultural”.(Ecuador: Latacunga: Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi: (UTC), 2024-08) Avilés Crespo, Lisbeth Alejandra; Calo Chanaluisa, Greycel Marilyn; Andrade Valencia, José AntonioThe current study has as aim to determine the environmental landscape value and its incidence on the sociocultural sphere from Belisario Quevedo parish, in order to develop a landscape conservation proposal in the locality. To do so, it was used the qualitative and quantitative methodology, as well as a cartographic approach for the study area delimitation, in this way it is achieved to photograph the existing landscape units. Moreover, it was used the VRM (Visual Resource Management) method for landscape valoration, this method includes the visual determination assessment, visual absorption capacity (CAV) and landscape fragility. By determining the seven photographs assessed results taken in the study area, it can be established, what the landscape visual quality from Belisario Quevedo parish is found in a Medium quality, while the visual absorption capacity (CAV) analysis gives an average 14 points, which indicates that the landscape is Very Fragile. Finally, the assessed fragility of the seven photographs gives an average 16 points, classifying it in class I, that is, a VERY FRAGILE landscape with a high slope area and to regenerate them difficultly. Within the influence, which exists in sociocultural behavior 97.8% respondents consider, what the existing cultural traditions in the parish if they influence a significant influence, while only 2.2% participants indicate that they do not have influence. Furthermore, 100% respondents expressed, which agricultural and livestock production has modified the changes in the landscape units stages. In conclusion, the landscape units from Belisario Quevedo parish have been affected by diverse activities, such as agriculture, livestock and urban growth, which has significantly altered the visual environment conditions. Therefore, it is made necessary to implement land use planning policies and conservation proposals, what allow preserving the area environmental landscape value.
- Item“Plan participativo de manejo del recurso hídrico para el proceso de la declaratoria del ACUS, comunidad la provincia, parroquia Isinliví”.(Ecuador: Latacunga: Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi: (UTC), 2024-08) Bermeo Martínez, Joel Alberto; Daza Guerra, Oscar ReneABSTRACT In the context of the La Provincia Community, Isinliví Parish, Sigchos Canton, Cotopaxi, critical problems linked to anthropogenic activities, such as mining, territorial invasion, as well as insufficient environmental awareness, were identified. As a result, the main objective of this research was to develop a participatory management plan of the water component for the declaration of Conservation and Sustainable Use Areas (CSUA), qualitative, field and participatory methodologies were used, including descriptive, deductive and bibliographic methods. These methodologies were supported by techniques such as direct observation, Delphi and data collection, which allowed to effectively achieve the established objectives. The results obtained included a baseline that reflects the current state of the water component, as well as the physical-chemical analysis of the three water catchments that supply the community, which are: Tagma Pamba, Totora Pugro, Yaku Uviana. The data obtained from the water analyses were compared with the admissible limits established in INEN 1108. In sample 1 the analyses were within the limits for drinking water, in sample 2 the nitrite parameters exceed the maximum permissible limits for drinking water, and in sample 3 they are within the permissible limits for drinking water. In addition, 3 training sessions were conducted on different dates, aimed at 25 community members for the development of the participatory management plan, within which 3 programs were established: Recovery, Conservation and Sustainable Use to promote the sustainable management of water resources. To conclude, the integration of the community in water management and the implementation of a participatory management plan is an important step towards sustainability. In order to ensure long-term success, it is important to continue to strengthen community education and participation, as well as to monitor and adapt management measures as needed.