Titulación - Ingeniería en Electricidad

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    Evaluación de la resiliencia del sistema de transmisión de Ecuador ante incendios forestales
    (Ecuador: Latacunga: Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi: (UTC), 2024-08) Maldonado Quiñonez David Alejandro; Simbaña Iza, Jeremy Sebastián; Guamán Cuenca, Wilian Patricio
    The increasing occurrence of natural meteorological hazards, such as wildfires, cyclones, and floods, poses a significant risk to the continuity of electricity supply. Although these events are relatively rare, their effects can be extremely severe, highlighting the importance of assessing and mitigating their impact. In this context, it is essential to incorporate the concept of resilience into the power system to understand its ability to withstand, recover, and adapt in the face of high-impact, low-probability disruptive events. This work focuses on evaluating and strengthening the resilience of Ecuador’s transmission power system against wildfires. To achieve this, a multi-stage methodological framework is proposed to characterize wildfires, assess their impact on the components of electrical networks, and analyze the system’s response. Additionally, strategies are identified to mitigate the impact of these events and enhance the resilience of the transmission system. This work uses a novel model to characterize wildfires, considering physical and environmental parameters, as well as a specialized resilience model to calculate the probability of failure in overhead line conductors due to wildfires. Furthermore, a direct current optimal power flow model (DC-OPF) with losses, implemented in AMPL, is incorporated to evaluate the system’s response. The resilience metrics used include the energy not supplied (ENS), EIU, and the FLEP metrics derived from the conceptual resilience trapezoid curve. The proposed methodology is applied to a real case study, using data from Empresa Eléctrica Quito S.A., modeled in DIgSILENT Power Factory, and considering historical records of failures in electricity networks in the Metropolitan District of Quito due to wildfires. The results demonstrate that the assessment and implementation of enhancement strategies in transmission networks exposed to wildfires increase the resilience of the power system. In conclusion, the methodology developed in this work strengthens the power system’s ability to respond to wildfires and will contribute to the planning and development of more resilient electrical infrastructures in the Ecuadorian context.
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    Análisis de gases disueltos para la identificación de falla en transformadores de potencia mediante lógica difusa
    (Ecuador: Latacunga: Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi: (UTC), 2024-08) Chiliquinga Sampedro, Kevin Israel; Castillo Fiallos, Jessica Nataly
    This research focuses on the identification of thermal and electrical faults in the power transformer, which are the core of the substation and operate continuously. The diagnosis of faults in the electrical converter represents a challenge, since traditionally it is necessary to interrupt its operation to detect internal anomalies. To avoid these interruptions, the most effective way to predict failures without shutting down the equipment is by analyzing the degradation of the dielectric oil, this process produces gases such as hydrogen, methane, ethylene, acetylene and ethane, whose concentrations are key indicators of possible failures. The identification of faults in the stationary machine is carried out by gas analysis using the Rogers method or the IEC method, unified with fuzzy logic, becomes a predictive maintenance tool allowing to detect faults accurately and correct them in the short term, this facilitates the direct intervention of maintenance personnel in specific problems such as moisture in the insulating paper, defective welds, short circuits between windings or overheating. Once the fault is identified, the maintenance personnel can be adequately prepared with the necessary materials, equipment and tools, which significantly reduces transformer downtime.
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    “Estudio de la calidad de energía en la línea de producción de MDF de la Empresa Aglomerados Cotopaxi S.A.”
    (Ecuador: Latacunga: Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi: (UTC), 2024-08) Gavilanez Guanoluisa, Aracely Nataly; Pesantez Palacios Gabriel Napoleón
    The main objective of this research is to improve energy quality in the industrial sector by implementing technical and regulatory solutions. Power quality is a fundamental aspect that directly influences industrial operations' efficiency, safety, and sustainability. Since the 1980s, there has been an increased concern for ensuring electrical system reliability and performance due to the growing complexity of nonlinear loads and harmonic distortions. In this context, a comprehensive power quality analysis was carried out in the MDF production line of the company Aglomerados Cotopaxi S.A., according to the Ecuadorian standard ARCENNR 002/20. This process included detailed data collection at different critical points of the system, which allowed for updating the single-line diagrams in AutoCAD and evaluating the measurements of the grounding system. Afterward, the data obtained were analyzed, and the corresponding calculations were performed to evaluate the harmonic distortion of both voltage and current, the power factor, and the voltage and current unbalance. These data were integrated into a model in ETAP, where the harmonics present were simulated, and power flows were carried out using the results obtained. Different harmonic correction scenarios were proposed based on these analyses, considering both technical feasibility and associated costs. Solutions that included the implementation of harmonic filters were proposed, and the technical and economic repercussions of these alternatives were evaluated, all in compliance with ARCENNR 002/20 regulations, ensuring compliance with national power quality standards.
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    “Análisis del comportamiento dinámico del SEP considerando la introducción de energías renovables”
    (Ecuador: Latacunga: Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi: (UTC), 2024-08) Muñoz Brito, Christopher Uriel; Quijije Tulmo, José David; Vásquez Teneda, Franklin Hernán
    The present research proposal consisted of the analysis of the dynamic behavior of an electrical power system considering the introduction of renewable energies, within the project it was possible to verify the lack of detailed understanding of how it affects the stability and transient response of the SEP, for which a sizing of a photovoltaic system point to a 3-bus Power Electrical System has been carried out. In the analysis carried out, it was found that the integration of renewable energies and the implementation of technologies such as MPPT (Maximum Power Point Tracking) and PLL (Phase-Locked Loop) have a positive impact on the power system, albeit in a subtle manner. The results showed a slight improvement in the voltage values of buses B2 and B3 when using these technologies. This improvement, although small, suggests that MPPT and PLL help increase system stability and efficiency by optimizing voltage regulation. Causing the sinusoidal signals in the system to no longer be perfectly sinusoidal, presenting slight differences that, although almost imperceptible, reflect the effect of these new technologies. On the other hand, Bar B1 maintains a constant voltage in all cases and at all times, indicating that it is not affected by the variations introduced by renewable energies or by the use of MPPT and PLL. The reference bar, or slack bar, ensures a stable voltage in the system, which contributes to the overall stability. The moderate fluctuations in busbar voltages connected to the PV system highlight the importance of MPPT and PLL in managing these variations and maintaining grid stability, although MPPT and PLL technologies offer subtle improvements in stability and efficiency.
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    Diseño de una herramienta de predicción mediante machine learning para la generación fotovoltaica en usuarios urbanos y rurales
    (Ecuador: Latacunga: Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi: (UTC), 2024-08) Lojano Navas Cristofer Sergio; Castillo Fiallos, Jessica Nataly
    This research work responds to the electricity generation need because of the drought problems caused by lengthy droughts and climatic phenomena—El Niño, negatively affecting hydroelectric generation. Therefore, it is crucial to explore new sources of renewable energy. Photovoltaic systems emerge as an alternative, given that the sun is an accessible source and its use for electricity generation represents an accessible alternative. For this research project, solar radiation data is collected from 2017 to 2013 in Tabacundo, which is appropriately processed and purified to ensure its quality. In addition, the database is indexed and then divided into sets, using the years 2017-2022 and part of 2023 for training (80%) and the rest of 2023 for validation (20%). The DecisionTreeRegressor library allows the algorithm to be trained and predicted in Python software. The decision tree model is reliable for short-term predictions with a precision of 0.976, sensitivity of 0.998, accuracy of 0.974 and R^2 of 0.935. However, its long-term performance is poor, obtaining MAE results of 8.694 in 1 month and 139.6 for 6 months. It is recommended to consider other models such as LSTM and more variables to improve precision. For photovoltaic sizing, 15 panels are required for a consumption of 160 kWh in grid-connected systems and 17 in isolated systems, resulting in higher costs due to the need for more components and a continuous supply, being less advisable.