Titulación - Ingeniería en Agroindustrias

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    Caracterización nutricional y funcional de la harina precocida de amaranto ( amaranthus zelenaya sosulka).
    (Ecuador: Latacunga: Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi (UTC), 2024-08) Tipantuña Mendoza, Kevin Fabián; Rojas Molina, Jaime Orlando
    Amaranth (Amaranthus Zelenaya Sosulka) is a pseudocereal grown in the Andean region, known for its high nutritional value in proteins. The main objective of this research work is to evaluate the nutritional and functional properties of precooked amaranth flour (Zelenaya Sosulka). The proximal chemical composition of the grain was evaluated, where 58.61% carbohydrate, 17.70% protein, 12.05% moisture, 6.92% fat, 1.97% fiber and 2.75% ash were obtained. Amaranth grain was precooked by humid heat, where temperature factors (110°C, 115°C and 120°C) and time (10 min, 20 min and 30 min) were used. In addition, the solubility of the flour and the protein content of the precooked grain were evaluated as response variables. For statistical treatment, the Desing Expert software was used, using an Optimal IV response surface design. The best combination for grain precooking was achieved at 115°C and 25 minutes, where 6.91% flour solubility and 13.38% protein were obtained. The nutritional analysis of the best flour combination reported 63.93% carbohydrate, 18.03% protein, 2.72% moisture, 7.14% fat, 2.11% fiber and 3.23% ash. Physical analyses showed hygroscopicity values of 1.365%, apparent density of 0.492 g/ml, compact density of 0.972 g/ml, angle of repose of 13.96°, Hausner index of 1.365. In addition, functional analyses of the run at 110°C for 10 minutes, gives a better response to the rheological properties, because it allows a greater development of the dough in the C1 phase and stability of the dough in the CS phase, improving the formation and stability of the dough, as well as an adequate retrogradation of the starch that contributes to the preservation of freshness in bakery products. These flours, having a high nutritional content, can be used as ingredients in fortified foods, and due to their functional characteristics they can be used as a component of bakery and pastry products.
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    Protección del desarrollo de productos elaborados en la Asociación Virgen del Tránsito de la parroquia Guaytacama y la Carrera de Agroindustria de la Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi en la elaboración de una bebida y la obtención de un colorante a partir de la coronta y residuos de maíz negro (zea mays l.) a través del secreto industrial.
    (Ecuador: Latacunga: Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi (UTC), 2024-08) Chiluisa Veloz, Evelyn Estefania; León Pilatasig, Jessica Alexandra; Cerda Andino, Edwin Fabián
    The main objective of this project is to obtain the registration and notarization of the industrial secret for the “ELABORATION OF A BEVERAGE AND THE EXTRACTION OF A COLORING AGENT FROM THE KERNEL AND RESIDUES OF BLACK CORN (Zea mays L.)” in the name of the Technical University of Cotopaxi, through registration with the National Service of Intellectual Rights (SENADI). To accomplish this, we collected information from previous studies conducted as part of research projects in the Agroindustry career. These studies are currently stored in the digital repository of the Technical University of Cotopaxi. So, we extracted the following information: product formulation, raw materials, inputs, flow diagram, and methodology, which is necessary to proceed with the pertinent procedure. For this process, it is essential to seek the advice of a professional lawyer with experience in this type of procedure, who contributed during the legal process to its proper registration. The notarization and protocolization process took place at the Third Notary Office of the Latacunga canton. Subsequently, the documentation was submitted to the National Intellectual Rights Service to guarantee comprehensive ownership of the legal rights to the recipes. This step will prevent unauthorized reproduction and use of the recipes by others. Finally, the intellectual property registration for the recipes was acquired and transferred to the Technical University of Cotopaxi for its use.
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    Elaboración de un manual de procesos productivos para productos lácteos en la comuna Pilancon de la parroquia Ramón Campaña, cantón Pangua, provincia de Cotopaxi.
    (Ecuador: Latacunga: Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi (UTC), 2024-08) Balseca Constante, Dayana Yajaira; Pucuji Vilca, Jennifer Estefania; Cevallos Carvajal, Edwin Ramiro
    This applied research project was carried out in the dairy processing plant of the Pilancon commune of the Ramón Campaña parish, Pangua canton, Cotopaxi province, with the purpose of developing a manual of production processes for the production of fresh cheese, mozzarella cheese and yogurt, each of these products have unique characteristics that require specific production methods to ensure their safety, quality and flavor. Through a diagnosis of the plant's functionality and the implementation of a checklist, the results obtained served as a strategic tool for decision-making, facilitating the implementation of corrective actions that optimize production processes, in a work environment aligned with the best practices of the industry. The initial assessment revealed an overall compliance level of 61.1%, highlighting critical areas such as production operations with 50%, packaging, labeling and packing with 9% compliance. Deficiencies were also identified in the hygiene category in manufacturing, with 57.9% compliance in terms of personnel and 75% in raw materials and supplies, as well as in quality assurance, with 46.2% compliance. This manual was developed providing detailed guidelines that help correct each stage of the production processes, from good milking practices to final packaging, and ensure compliance with current hygiene and quality control regulations. At the end of this work, the manual was shared with all members and workers of the association, ensuring a uniform understanding and commitment to the new guidelines. This participatory process facilitated the resolution of doubts and the collection of valuable feedback, strengthening team cohesion and guaranteeing the constant quality of the products.
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    Determinación de la osmolalidad en jugos de frutas de consumo frecuente en el Ecuador para la formulación de bebidas isotónicas.
    (Ecuador: Latacunga: Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi (UTC), 2024-08) Palomo Allauca, Edison Alexander; Robles Maila, Antony Josue; Molina Borja Franklin Antonio
    Osmolality was determined in fruit juices frequently consumed in Ecuador, given the scarcity of specific information on this parameter in national fruit juices; this study seeks to fill this gap, providing data for the development of effective isotonic beverages for rehydration, which provide natural alternatives to commercial options that often contain high levels of artificial sugars and chemical additives used in the food industry. The main approach was collecting and analyzing samples of 43 types of fruit juices and 12 isotonic beverages widely consumed in Ecuador. Through an experimental design of Pearson correlation and linear regression, in the quantitative approach of descriptive scope, physicochemical properties such as pH, ° Brix, acidity, and osmolality were analyzed, evaluating the correlations between these parameters to identify the most suitable juices for the formulation of isotonic beverages. The results revealed an osmolality of 580 mmol/kg to 593 mmol/kg in orange (Citrus sinensis “Valencia”) belonging to the Coastal Region, with an osmolality of 387 mmol/kg in blackberry (Rubus fruticosus L.) and 350 mmol/kg in strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.). Belonging to the Mountain Region, mandarin (Citrus reticulata) presented an osmolality of 430 mmol/kg in the Amazon region, the osmolality of the juices, from a minimum of 202 mmol/kg in guava (Psidium guajava) to a maximum of 1035 mmol/kg in green grape (Vitis vinifera), In addition, a significant correlation was observed between osmolality and sugar content (° Brix) in both fruit juices and energy drinks, indicating the relevance of this parameter in the formulation of isotonic beverages. This research provides information on optimizing isotonic beverages in programming the “optimal formulation of standardized isotonic beverages by linear programming from natural juices.”
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    Elaboración de un jugo probiótico a base de arazá (eugenia stipitata) utilizando tres tipos de fermentos y endulzantes.
    (Ecuador: Latacunga: Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi (UTC), 2024-08) López Chango Emma Liliana; Toapanta Quishpe Vilma Janneth; Molina Borja Franklin Antonio
    The present research project was carried out with the purpose of elaborating a probiotic juice based on arazá from three lactic ferments (Lactobacillus Bulgaricus, Lactobacillus acidophilus and Streptococcus Thermophilus), and three types of natural sweeteners stevia, xylitol and erythritol; finding that the optimal combination was Streptococcus Thermophilus with xylitol. This approach offers health benefits and opportunities for new functional products aimed at people with dietary restrictions. An AxB factorial design (DBCA) was applied, with two factors, factor A in relation to types of ferments and factor B in relation to types of natural sweeteners. The statistical tool InfoStat was used to enter the data obtained from the physicochemical parameters and interpret the results of the statistical analysis to determine the best treatment corresponding to formulation t8 (a3b2) which corresponds to Araza juice (1,3 kg) +(0,02 g) Streptococcus Thermophilus+ (116,6 g) xylitol+ (0,29 g) CMC+ (0,2 g) potassium sorbate. A descriptive method was applied with values from 1 to 5 according to a hedonic scale. Characteristics such as color, odor, flavor, appearance and acceptability were evaluated in the probiotic juice based on arazá, determining that the best formulation corresponds to treatment t8(a3b2). For the best treatment, nutritional and microbiological analyses were carried out, obtaining the analysis of E. coli with an absence of CFU/g, molds and yeasts with <5 CFU/g for each of these compared to the standard (NTE INEN 2337 2008 mentions that it should be kept at <10. The nutritional analysis shows important data: moisture 90,48 %, protein 0,74 %, fiber 0,03 %, carbohydrates 7,99 %, dry matter 9,52 % and vitamin C 3,92 % according to the requirements of (NTE INEN 1334-3:2011).