Titulación - Licenciatura en Administración de Empresas
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- ItemEstrategias de liderazgo en el entorno empresarial de las pymes del sector comercial del cantón La Maná año 2024.(Ecuador : La Maná Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi (UTC), 2024-08) Intriago Cusme, Eva Yamilex; Cabrera Toscano, Eduardo FabricioThis study was focused on analyzing the implemented leadership strategies in small and medium enterprises in the commercial sector of La Maná canton. With a sample of 208 economic units, the main objective was to identify the existing leadership practices and to evaluate their effectiveness in the current context. According to this dynamic, the research conducted in the PYMES of La Maná canton revealed an urgent need to strengthen leadership capabilities. Despite the fact that there is significant potential growth in these companies, a gap was identified between the current skills of leaders and the demands of the market. The traditional leadership styles predominate, but there is a growing adoption of more modern and participative approaches. The study, based on Kotter and Heskett's model, proposed a series of practical recommendations to improve their leadership. Through epistemic review and applying mixed research methodologies and supported by surveys and interviews, data was collected about leaders' skills, used strategies, and their needs. These included the implementation of training programs that addressed various leadership styles with special emphasis on the development of skills such as effective communication, conflict resolution, and strategic vision. In addition, it was suggested to create work environments that foster continuous learning and adaptation to change, as well as to introduce technological tools that increase efficiency and competitiveness. By implementing these recommendations, PYMES of La Maná were able to develop more effective leaders, to improve their overall performance, and to achieve long-term sustainable growth. This study not only contributed to academic knowledge on leadership, but also provided a practical guide for these companies to identify their strengths and areas for improvement, so making strategic decisions to achieve their business objectives.
- Item“El liderazgo y su influencia en la productividad de los trabajadores de la COAC Señor del Árbol”.(Ecuador: Latacunga: Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi: (UTC), 2024-08) Moya Moreno, Hector Joel; Oña Andrango, Anthony Fabricio; Falconi Tapia, Angelita AzucenaThis work aimed to recognize the relationship between leadership and productivity of the workers at the “Coac Señor the Arbol, located in Pujilí town Cotopaxi province. The study was useful for the financial factory because it has weaknesses that should be improved. At the same time, the research had a qualitative methodology with an inductive focus, the interview, and the survey were based on the authors Blake and Mouton, the instruments were applied to the overall manager of the Coac. Then, the investigators used a survey to learn about the type of leadership it has, the research was helped by the Doctor. Maria Carmen Dolores Ramis Palmer has experience as an organizational Psychologist, who contributed to adjusting the questions and options of the answer above all, ensuring the work was relevant and effective to 19 workers of the financial Cooperative. The researchers observed two types of leadership, the survey and interview determined that the administrative manager maintains participative leadership otherwise, the employees have autocratic leadership. To measure its influence, the searchers used formulas and comparisons with the years 2021 – 2023, which helped to know the productivity that workers reach. To sum up, there was a great influence around leadership and productivity of the employees, and there exited a notable disagreement between the perception of manager and workers. Being recommended to make workshops and training sessions about the participative leadership benefits
- Item“Plan de negocios para la creación de nuevos productos de la empresa RAMISNACKS”(Ecuador: Latacunga: Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi: (UTC), 2024-08) Casa Tipanluisa, Alexandra Maribel; Chiliquinga Lema, Morelia Anabel; Martínez Freire, Maira NataliaThis degree work was developed in order to determine how feasible it is to implement a business plan for the creation of new products of mixed snacks (chifles and potatoes) with lemon, jalapeño and onion flavors of the enterprise “RAMISNACKS”, which is essential to guide entrepreneurs on all financial and administrative aspects involved in the creation of a company; This company will be created in the canton Latacunga parish Guaytacama neighborhood La Libertad, based on the tastes and different preferences for snacks with a touch of extra flavor. The methodology used for the market research, was with a quantitative approach so the survey technique was used and as an instrument a questionnaire consisting of 12 questions, which considered a population of 60,676 people aged 15 to 44 years, obtaining a sample of 382, to collect information surveys were applied in both urban parishes Latacunga and rural Toacaso, Tanicuchi, and Pastocalle; thus the required size of the sample was obtained. The results obtained determined the feasibility of implementing the project starting with an initial investment of $37,664.92 dollars, a Net Present Value of $16,849.73 dollars was obtained, an Internal Rate of Return of 22%, and the recovery period of the investment is in 2 years 8 months and 13 days, so a cost benefit of $1.45 dollars is obtained. At the end of this research and through the analysis carried out, we can consider that the business plan is feasible according to the projections applied, so we can give the green light for its execution.
- Item“Estudio de factibilidad para la implementación de un Food Truck de comida mexicana “Delicias Picantes” en la ciudad de Latacunga”(Ecuador : Latacunga : Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi (UTC), 2024-08) León Pérez, Jonathan David; Curco Sillo, Lizbeth Leonela; Veintimilla Ruíz, Jirma ElizabethMexican food, known for its wide variety and authentic flavors, has gained popularity worldwide. However, in the city of Latacunga, the offer of Mexican food was limited, especially in the vicinity of the Technical University of Cotopaxi. This project sought to develop a feasibility study for implementing a Mexican food truck in Latacunga in 2024, including a market study with a population of 4330 university students, achieving a consumption acceptance of 88.1% with a sample of 353 participants, therefore, the calculated unsatisfied demand was 165,390 Mexican dishes, for which 14% of the total unsatisfied demand is expected to be covered in the first year, with an installed capacity of 26,700 Mexican dishes per year, distributed among tacos, corn, and burritos. The financial study highlighted an initial investment of 8,500 dollars, which covers the purchase of the food truck itself to the necessary inputs for its implementation, the financial indicators showed a Net Present Value (NPV) of $2,104.25 over five years and an Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of 20.5%, indicating a viable profitability for this project, in addition to a cost-benefit analysis of $1.08. In conclusion, it was determined that implementing a Mexican food truck was financially viable, presenting a profitable business opportunity.
- Item“Calidad del servicio y su influencia en la satisfacción del cliente en los micromercados de la parroquia Eloy Alfaro, cantón Latacunga”.(Ecuador: Latacunga: Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi. (UTC), 2024-08) Días Umajinga, Luis Fernando; Llumitasig Moreta, Leidy Pamela; Almeida Lara, Libia DoloresThe study "Service Quality and its Influence on Customer Satisfaction in the Micromarkets of Eloy Alfaro Parish, Latacunga Canton" analyzes how various service components impact customer perception and satisfaction. The research, based on a theoretical review of quality management, service quality, and customer satisfaction, utilizes the SERVQUAL model and Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT) as its methodological framework. Through structured surveys directed at Micromarket customers, key dimensions such as tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy are evaluated. The results show that although most customers have a positive perception of certain aspects of the service, there are significant areas for improvement, such as the appearance of the facilities and the presentation of the staff. Based on these findings, a service quality and customer service improvement proposal was designed using the SERVQUAL model and its dimensions (reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy, and tangibles). This proposal includes specific strategies to address the identified deficiencies, proposing improvements in staff training, the implementation of continuous feedback systems, and the use of advanced technologies to streamline service and enhance transaction security. The CSAT model was also used to measure customer satisfaction. The study concludes that service quality is a crucial determinant of customer satisfaction in Micromarkets, and that the implementation of the suggested improvements will contribute to the competitive and sustainable development of these establishments. Correlation results reveal a relationship of 0.254 between service quality and customer satisfaction, indicating that as the perception of quality increases, satisfaction tends to increase as well, although this relationship is weak.